Functionality IS lost when I have programs that cannot access the CD/DVD
drive because they are looking for a /dev/cdrom or /dev/hdc mount point
and wonderful Suse 10.2 won't provide it. Why not? Who knows.

I'm curious what applications or programs you are having issues with.
I've had just one application (X-Plane) take issue with the way mount
points are handled in SUSE, and that is because the installer is
poorly (or badly?) programed.  The workaround in this case it to sym
link /mnt/dvd to /media/XPLANE and it works fine... not the most
elegant solution, but the fault (in my opinion) is the X-Plane
installer not HAL or anything related to how SUSE implements mount

Otherwise all applications I have that need to access the DVD writer
or DVD reader I have in my PC work perfectly.

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