
Thanks everyone for your responses.  I'll respond individually to a
number of you a little later.

Broadly, it seems that people basically fall into two camps:

(a) People who have no need or desire for Beagle.  I can understand
this.  Some people are just inherently organized -- I do not
understand these people. :)  Others don't have enough data for desktop
search to be truly useful for them.  Others seem to get by using
"find" or "locate", although these only search filenames.  (Or, you
can pair them up with xargs and grep and search contents, but this
really only works for text-based files.)  I guess these people have no
need to search their email or IM conversations?

(b) People who experience performance problems when running Beagle.
There are a couple of known reasons for this, and possibly some more
that I'm not aware of.  I ask those who have experienced performance
problems in the past to download Beagle from the build

and let me know if this new version fares any better.  I could rattle
off a long list of bug fixes and go into technical detail about them
here, but that's boring and really the only way we can see if things
have improved is to try it.  The cron job issue is a problem, and I'm
going to try to work with colleagues to see if we can come up with a
solution that works.

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