** Reply to message from "Rajko M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 17 Oct 2007
14:40:51 -0500

> On Wednesday 17 October 2007 01:10:30 pm Stan Goodman wrote:
> > ** Reply to message from "Rajko M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 17 Oct
> ...
> > > Run 'zypper ref' and see is there any changes to "Pending".
> >
> > *****
> > # zypper ref
> > Refreshing 20070714-101018
> > URI: cd:///?devices=/dev/hda
> > DONE
> >
> > Refreshing 20070714-155626
> > URI: http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.2/repo/oss/
> > DONE
> >
> > Refreshing update102
> > URI: http://ftp.skynet.be/pub/ftp.suse.com/suse/update/10.2/
> > DONE
> >
> > Refreshing guru102
> >
> > *****
> >... From the above, I see understand that
> > It has defined the upgrade necessary from my original CD set to the current
> > release. 

But the "DONE" URLs above still do not appear in the window of Software Updates.
> It will be still openSUSE 10.2 but updated with all patches. 

Aha! Then I should run <zypper ref> again and hope that it will do that. On the
other hand, it just sat there inertly before, and I don't see a reason why it
should be different next time.

> It is the same as anywhere. For instance Windows XP SP2 is patched, but still 
> XP not Vista.

I know nothing whatever about Windows. I have been running OSes since CP/M, and
have seen a lot of sky since, but I have never run Windows. I am a virgin.

> To install openSUSE 10.3 the best way is to use:
>   http://software.opensuse.org/ 

Are you telling me to update the whole system to 10.3? Do I need this? From
what I have seen (not only now, but when I first installed 10.2 a few months
ago), these repositories are exceedingly slow. Making a DVD proved to be
unfeasible because of the slowness, even with various mirrors, so I fell back
on making a set of CDs. I do NOT want to start an operation that will take days
to complete, if indeed it doesn't drop out in the middle and leave me with an
unusable system.

> > Please tell me if that is correct. It seems then to say that it 
> > knows about the update URL, and is now "Refreshing guru102. Actually, I
> > think it is doing nothing, 
> It could be. I can't recall all problems with initial installation of 
> openSUSE 
> 10.2, and I would strongly recommend to update your system first. 
> There is a lot of patches pending after initial installation and few are 
> about 
> package management system (zypper, libzypp, YaST) that solve some bugs there.
> > but the 
> > system crashed when I entered "konqueror" in thesearch field of the lizard
> > menu (per your  suggesstion below), in the course of which a bug
> > announcement came up, with an invitation to send in a bug report.
> Konqueror is blue globe icon on left side of taskbar, or Main Menu > 
> Applications > Internet > Web Browser > Konqueror

Yes, I know. I did that aautomatically without thinking. Probably if I had used
the icon I would not have had the crash. Maybe that's one of the fixed bugs.

> > Please tell me what it was trying to do whtn it said "Refreshing guru102",
> > so that I know whether to repeat <zypper ref> again, or do something else.
> I would skip 'guru102' and any other repository except official, before you 
> update system, otherwise you can end up with messed system. That is one of 
> problems that update solves. 

So this is "System Update" in YaST?

> The guru also changed location recently and links may not be correct (I 
> haven't checked this).  
> > > > After the same exercise with the update URL, there is a line at the
> > > > bottom of the window, saying: "Adding
> > > > ftp://mirrors.netbg.com/opensuse/update/10.2";. It doesn't go away, and
> ...
> > > This is 10.2 update link:
> > > ftp://mirrors.netbg.com/suse/update/10.2
> >
> > That is indeed the URL that I have been trying to use for update -- with
> > the result I have reported.
> You can compare them side by side:
>   ftp://mirrors.netbg.com/suse/update/10.2
>   ftp://mirrors.netbg.com/opensuse/update/10.2
> That is the change between opensuse 10.2 and 10.3, update directory went 
> from 'suse' to 'opsnsuse', but from zypper listing above I can see that you 
> are using another server, so that problem is solved. 

I did overlook that difference. Explains a lot.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

"We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out." -- Decca 
Recording Co. executive, in turning down The Beatles in 1962.
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