Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
On 10/19/2007 11:54 PM, Jim Flanagan wrote:
My main issue is that during boot of
a clean 10.3 install, I see the splash screens, and can press esc to see
the boot txt scroll by,
OK, this is using the video card's frame buffer.
but when the system reached runlevel 5 it won't
run kdm.
This is because of a non functional xorg.conf.
I can vnc into it at that point from another box, but the local
kdm will not start.
So the local X isn't working.
Sax2 fails to run, and gives an error meesage saying
to see /var/log/SaX.log (see attached).
And the error message was?  Wasn't there more of an error than to just
see sax2.log?
In the boot txt I also see a line that says gdm is unknown, but I have
not installed gdm, only kdm.
That is a separate bug, not an issue here.
SaX2 log     : SaX2 version 8.1 - SVN Release: 1.49 2003/03/17
19-Oct 10:11:26 <I> [ Sysp: XStuff detection data
    Card0     =>  DDC        : PTS2517
    Card0     =>  DDC[2]     : PTS2517
    Card0     =>  Name       : PROVIEW LT782s
    Card0     =>  Vendor     : PTS
    Card0     =>  Name[2]    : PROVIEW LT782s
This is correct for your monitor?
    Card0     =>  Vendor[2]  : PTS
    Card0     =>  Primary    : 02-00-0
    Card0     =>  Chipset    : <undefined>
    Card0     =>  Vsync      : 75
    Card0     =>  Hsync      : 80
    Card0     =>  Vsync[2]   : 75
    Card0     =>  Hsync[2]   : 80
Will it support these upper limits for its frequencies?
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 800 600 36 60
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 800 600 43 72
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 800 600 45 75
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 1024 768 46 60
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 1024 768 53 70
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 1024 768 57 75
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 1280 1024 76 75
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 1280 1024 61 60
    Card0     =>  Vesa       : 1280 1024 80 75
These are all possible resolutions.  You mentioned before you had to
make changes for your frame buffer to work with your monitor.  It did
not work at 1280x1024. IIRC you changed it to 1024x768 and it worked. Notice above how much lower the horizontal frequencies are for those
    Card0     =>  Modeline   : 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +/+
This was the chosen mode line.  So it will try starting it up at
1280x1024.  If it cannot handle 80 for horiz or 75 for vert, your
monitor will not work.
    Card0     =>  Display    : LCD/TFT
Is this true?  Is your monitor an LCD?  Most do not like such a high
vert. freq.  Even though mine says it works at 75, it shifts the
display.  I need to tweak mine to 72 limit to force a lower freq mode
line, which works perfectly.  Most LCDs are great with 60.
Section "Monitor"
      Option       "CalcAlgorithm" "XServerPool"
      DisplaySize  337 270
      HorizSync    30-80
      Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
      ModelName    "PROVIEW LT782S"
      Option       "DPMS"
      VendorName   "PTS"
      VertRefresh  43-75
      UseModes     "Modes[0]"
Section "Modes"
      Identifier   "Modes[0]"
Looks like no identified modes.  I have read here that sometimes this is
OK, as it is determined differently.  Mine has:
Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes[0]"
  Modeline     "1152x864" 99.64 1152 1224 1344 1536 864 865 868 901
  Modeline     "1152x864" 83.25 1152 1200 1232 1312 864 867 871 894
+HSync -VSync
  Modeline     "1024x768" 78.43 1024 1080 1192 1360 768 769 772 801
  Modeline     "1024x768" 66.50 1024 1072 1104 1184 768 771 775 794
+HSync -VSync
  Modeline     "800x600" 46.87 800 840 920 1040 600 601 604 626
  Modeline     "800x600" 42.25 800 848 880 960 600 603 607 621 +HSync -VSync
  Modeline     "1280x1024" 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066

    (II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version Identifier:8.41.7
    (II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Release Identifier:
UNSUPPORTED-8.413.1 (II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Build Date: Sep 7 2007 22:35:20
    (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID
PCI:2:0:1) found
    (EE) No devices detected.
Fatal server error:
    no screens found

I believe this is saying it could not find a resolution it could use
that would be accepted by your monitor.  From what I am able to find, it
is best at 1280x1024x60Hz.  I think this is the problem.

Hi Joe, thanks for the rundown. My xorg.conf shows the correct monitor, an lcd. Under opensuse 10.2 it ran kde at 1600x1200 in the gui, but I think that is different than the boot res. In any case, based on your post, I did a clean re-install of 10.3 and made sure to set the res to 1024x768 at the end of the installer config setup. This still did not load x, I only see the command line saying runlevel 5 has been reached. I do not think this is a monitor problem. When this monitor gets a signal it can't handle, it shows a little blue window saying mode is out of range. This is not happening at this point. Only X is not loading. So I log in and run sax2. This tries to load, the screen goes black for a few moments, then the command line comes back saying that sax failed to load, and to see the SaX.log. Thats the only error. But this means that I can't use sax to correct any problem here, it simply won't load. This did not happen with 10.2. This card ran fine with the default settings, sax2 ran if I needed it, and I could enable 3d which worked well too. Not at all with 10.3. Without sax2 to work with, I'm not sure how to set the res to 1024x768 at 60 hz by editing xorg.conf.

So at this point thinking there is something in my hardware that 10.3 didn't like, I went out and bought a cheap nvidia geforce2 mx 400 agp card. Did a new clean install to make sure that it was picked up right, and after all that I still did not get x, only the command line showing runlevel 5. Again, sax2 would not run, with the same error as before. (In this case I could not even vnc into the box like I could with the previous radeon card). I was certain that 10.3 would work with a card this old, but it didn't. So, thinking that perhaps the issue was with 10.3 and AGP on this board, I went out a bought a not so cheap PCI (not PCI-E) nvidia 6200 card. Again, I did a complete clean reinstall, but unfortunately still did not get X to start, only the command line in runlevel 5. Again sax2 failed to run with the same error as the rest.

So, I believe I ruled out an AGP problem on this board as 1) it works fine with 10.2 and 2) a PCI card won't work with 10.3 either.

So, thinking that it must be a 10.3 issue, I installed 2 different distros (something I had never done before). Pclinuxos and zenwalk both run fine in gui, pclinuxos is running at 1280x1024 at 60hz. I don't recall what zenwalk ran at, but it was higher than that.

So, to me this must be a 10.3 issue. If I'm on the wrong track guys please let me know. I'm not at all sure what to do next as I've never seen a problem where nothing you try works.

Jim F
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