Op ma oktober 29 2007 10:08, schreef Aniruddha:
> On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 09:53 +0100, Jos van Kan wrote:
> > But I can only repeat the arguments of Anders that you either don't get
> > or don't want to get:
> > Windows XP is a bare OS that you have to spend a lot of money on in
> > buying extra programs to get anything done at all.
> That is no true. last time I checked most open source program available
> for Linux were also available for Windows (Openoffice, thunderbird etc.)
> or had viable freeware alternatives (cdburnerxppro for k3b etc).
> > Plus that you have to upgrade the
> > software  every other year and no, that's not for free. In an office
> > environment that upgrade is almost compulsory.
> Which software are your referring to?

Office et al. Only now it has become clear that you apparently are targeting 
the home user, which makes this whole discussion rather pointless. The 
knowledgeable home user may get a whole slew of open source software for 
free, even for MS Windows, but most software for MS Windows is either 
shareware or commercial. But  a knowledgeable home user would not come to you 
for advice, because he does not need it.
> > Never ever in my whole life I would advise a customer Gentoo, because if
> > he could handle that he wouldn't have come to me for advice in the first
> > place.
> I have always advised and deployed Gentoo, which worked very well even
> for complete Linux beginners. Deploying an Gentoo image costs less than
> 30 minutes in which you have a complete working system

You must be joking. I installed gentoo on a virtual machine and it cost two 
days. Sometimes you suddenly need a package that has not been installed yet. 
In Suse or Debian you fire up yast or apt-get and are good to go in a matter 
of minutes. In Gentoo you emerge your packet and it takes then a couple of 
hours to compile.

I like the idea of gentoo, but I would not have it as my production system.

This will be my last contribution to this thread, because it is a complete 
waste of time.

Jos van Kan           registered Linux user #152704
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