On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 12:39 +0100, Jos van Kan wrote: 
> > Which software are your referring to?
> Office et al. Only now it has become clear that you apparently are targeting 
> the home user, which makes this whole discussion rather pointless. The 
> knowledgeable home user may get a whole slew of open source software for 
> free, even for MS Windows, but most software for MS Windows is either 
> shareware or commercial. But  a knowledgeable home user would not come to you 
> for advice, because he does not need it.

Non-sense there is more than enough freeware for Windows, you only have
to look for it. And in regard to MSoffice There aren't any compulsory
subscription fees after your initial purchase.

> You must be joking. I installed gentoo on a virtual machine and it cost two 
> days.
Easy as an pie if you have a running Gentoo install (installing Gentoo
takes between 1-2 hours). Set USE-flags, choose your target architecture
(e.g.686) and create an image (e.g. with partimage) of your system.

> Sometimes you suddenly need a package that has not been installed yet. 
> In Suse or Debian you fire up yast or apt-get and are good to go in a matter 
> of minutes. In Gentoo you emerge your packet and it takes then a couple of 
> hours to compile.
> I like the idea of gentoo, but I would not have it as my production system.

Compile times depend on your computing power, and with computing power
still doubling every two years this shouldn't be a big problem.

Besides there is no need for compiling. You can use portage binhost to
download and install binary packages.

> This will be my last contribution to this thread, because it is a complete 
> waste of time.

There your go again. You really should polish your communications skills
because you sound very rude. No one forced you to answer, it is not
necessary for you to be so inpolite. 

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