Kevin Dupuy wrote:
On Nov 24, 2007, at 2:27 AM, Jan Tiggy wrote:

Aaron Kulkis schrieb:

The current design is perfectly good, and as close to flawless
as it can be for what it is supposed to do.

This is your chance to share your ideas regarding YaST Control Center.

Keep it how it is!
It works.

Why waste time on unnecessary development (which will then
have bugs), when the SuSE team *COULD* be using that same
time, energy, and attention working on things that are
currently broken.

Full ACK! Let it be guys and maybe focus on bugs for a season.

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But, you see, this is the reason there is more than one developer at SUSE ;).

Well, unfortunately, they're not getting enough basic
bug-fixes done to warrant devoting man-hours towards
starting up a whole new project to replace something
that already works, and only needs a few extensions.

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