On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 18:41 +0100, Hans Witvliet wrote:

> For real RT-applications, you should want to avoid unneeded IRQ's at all
> time: barebone, no graphics (but serial console), no virtualisation, no
> add-on hardware and as much as possible unneeded io on your mobo
> disabled.

The Linux/SUSE folk are calling it 'RT'. But I am thinking of it only as
a possibly more responsive OS. I do not need RT so much as I do not want
unpredictable delays. If the kernel does not really need to wait for
something to finish, or if it really could let something else happen
when it is waiting for something to complete, making this so seems like
a good thing to me. So I am only going to look at the -RT kernel in
light of one application and evaluate how well it performs. Just for
'fun' at this time.

Roger Oberholtzer

OPQ Systems / Ramböll RST

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