Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007 Hans Witvliet:

> It's not that rt-applications suck and leave no reources for "the rest",
> but the other way round.

I meant "suck" like in "fail to do what they're supposed to". Like in "not 
rt-safe". Plus what you say is wrong at least on linux. If the realtime 
framework is setup right top priority (realtime) tasks get to deliver. The 
rest just has to wait. So you might see sluggish "desktop" response.

This works on a range of hardware, not only on certified metal.

> Multiple rt-actions (often re-entrant) shouldn't cause any problems.
> However, if you drain the available resources by non-rt-hardware, or
> used closed-source virtualisation, there might come a point where you
> can no longer prove that your application will always respond within the
> given time. This might cause distorted audio/video, or even loose a
> customer-contract.

The whole point of running an audio plumber like jack realtime is to *not* get 
distorted audio, even under very tight conditions like low latency. And it 
works. Like I said: no matter what else you run on your desktop.

> btw, it/s not without a reason that the developpers from asterisk
> seriously discourage the use of a X-environment on a pabx.

So they're not making use of the available realtime mechanisms, I'd suspect. 
So they "suck". Just kidding :) I'd suspect they use some balancing 
techniques on their systems to get stuff done more or less in time. If they 
were using the realtime framework they could be pretty sure.

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