Kai Ponte wrote:

On Saturday 22 December 2007 09:13, Anders Johansson wrote:
On Saturday 22 December 2007 18:06:37 Stevens wrote:
On Saturday 22 December 2007 10:30, Rajko M. wrote:
Catering to idiots only encourages them to continue
their idiotic behavior.
Insulting 90% of people doesn't help to make your case.

You have to understand that not everyone has the same goals in life as
you, and also that different goals doesn't mean they are wrong.
<blah, blah, blah, touchy-feely b.s., blah, blah>

Having different goals does not change the fact that they are still
idiots. Nobody said they were wrong, just that they are idiots. If they
did not exist I would go broke because I make my living from idiots who
pay me to fix their stuff that they were too stupid to fix themselves
You need to look up the definition of idiot. Nobody can know everything

As I tell my kids - there's a billion Chinese people who speak Chinese better than I do.


Now back to this new dosbox find, thanks, Anders!
From Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary:

idiot, 1: a person afflicted with idiocy; esp: a feebleminded person having a 
mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care.

I think you mean an ignorant person.


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