Felix, many thanks for your response. Here is additional information 
based on your comments. Gil

On Mon December 31 2007, Felix Miata scratched these words onto a 
coconut shell, hoping for an answer:

> There are many hardware configurations in 10.3 that are tricky to get
> right. This was quite uncommonly a problem in 10.0. Usually YaST
> installer got it right and there was nothing left for a user to do,
> infrequently not the case in 10.3.

> > For the 10.3 desktop being viewed on a 20" Viewsonic 20 monitor:

> That particular model doesn't seem to exist on
> http://www.viewsonic.com/ . Is it a CRT?

Yes. It is old -- manufactured in 1993 -- but still working like new. 
This display problem seemingly(??) associated with the upgrade to 10.3 
is the only thing that's not been perfect in more than 14 years of use.

> > xdpyinfo | grep resolution
> > 80X64 dots per inch

> My 20" Viewsonic
> http://www.viewsonic.com/products/lcddisplays/graphicseries/vg2021m/
> is 1400x1050 and 87.5 x 87.5 DPI. A 20" at 1280x1024 should be about
> 82 X 82; at 1600x1200 about 100 X 100. 80 X 64 can be expected to
> squish objects narrower than their natural aspect.

> > xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
> > 1280X768 pixels     406X305 mm

> Those are incompatible, so something's radically messed up somewhere.
> 1280x768 doesn't compute to any standard aspect ratio, while 406 X
> 305 indicates a standard 4:3 ratio. IIRC some LCD TVs use 1280x768,
> but most TVs & PC displays you'll find somewhere in the table on
> http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/displays.html

The desktop monitor is a standard 4:3 aspect ratio. This morning I have 
been trying different resolution settings to see if it makes any 
difference. Nothing has helped, and the 80X64 dots/inch disparity has 
remained consistent despite the changes. FYI here are the results.

1152X864 (XGA)
80X64 dots/inch
1280X768 pixels, 406X305 mm

1400X1050 (SXGA+)
86X64 dots/inch
1368X768 pixels, 406X305 mm

1024X768 (XGA)
80X64 dots/inch
1280X768 pixels, 406X305 mm

In all of these configurations my rectangular images 
(powerpoints, .jpgs, etc). are squished into squares.

> > And for the 10.0 LinuxCertified laptop
> >
> > xdpyinfo | grep resolution
> > 86X84 dots per inch

> So this laptop has about a 15" screen?


> > xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
> > 1024X768 pixels     302X232 mm

> 1024 X 768 is the most common PC display resolution, but 302 X 232
> isn't quite a standard 4:3 aspect ratio, nor even close to any 16:10
> resolution.

The configuration screen says 5:4 aspect ratio. That is how I received 
the laptop from the vendor.

Please also note again that I am not having any display problems with 
the laptop. It is only with the desktop just upgraded from 10.0 to 

> > Note: the resolution on the laptop cannot be increased. It is at
> > its limit.

> So the laptop is an XGA model (1024x768 native resolution)? Most
> newer stuff is widescreen and starts at 1280 X 800 (WXGA).

Not a widescreen. The vendor (Linux Certified) tells me that this 
resolution 1024X768 is as high as it will go.

> What gfxcards chips are in these systems?

In the desktop it's an onboard chip -- Intel i845.

Here's something else that might be relevant and be indicative of the 

Sax2 does not run properly when configuring the graphics settings on the 
desktop. Has not run properly since SuSE 9.3.

When I change the resolution I get the prompt message that it is best to 
test the new configuration. When I go to do this the screen comes up 
where you are supposed to be able to adjust the screen position 
(up/down/left/right) and also expand/contract side to side and top to 
bottom. However, none of those buttons have any effect.

In addition, the countdown timer in the upper left hand corner does not 
countdown properly. One of two things happens:

a) the countdown timer stays stuck at 30 and never changes or,
b) it starts to countdown but goes crazy. It displays: 30, 29, 28, 30, 
29, 28, 27, 30, etc. Goes into what seems to be an endless loop that 
keeps going back to 30 and starting over.

I can only save the setting and exit SAX2 without completing the test. 
Note than when I had 9.3 on this pooter the SAX2 testing did work 
perfectly, but has not with 10.0 and now again with 10.3.

Hope this new information may give you a clue to the source of my 
problem and a solution.

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