On Monday 28 January 2008 10:15:40 am Bob wrote:
> My system looks like this:
> Device          Size            Mount point     Free
> sda2            965.1MB /               0B
> sda3            60.8MB          /boot           46.8MB
> sda5            9.8GB           /usr            4.9GB
> sda6            2.0GB           /var            1.2GB
> sda7            2.0GB           /opt            906.3MB
> sda8            1011.4MB        /tmp            926.4MB
> sda9            257.3GB /home           154.1GB
> I've been downloading openSUSE 11.0 Alpha1, via ktorrent for the past 24
> hours, but other than that I'm only doing what I always do - read email,
> news, browse the web, play music. 

The /proc is discussed, so to make it simple, just forget it. That is not your 
problem. The kcore doesn't use hard disk.  

The problem seems to be somewhat tight size of partitions:
Device          Size            Mount point     Free
sda2            965.1MB         /               0B
sda8            1011.4MB        /tmp            926.4MB

With 1GB /tmp file operation that want to work on 2 GB file will have a 
problem if it uses /tmp. Download will use /tmp sometimes. 

The problem is that / is full and it is on primary partition. There is few 
solutions to make another bigger, and move everything there, or to delete 
some of content. 

What is in / to use 965 MB I can only guess. 

I was looking few directories that are left in your / directory:
76M     /lib
7.3M    /bin
112K    /dev
41M     /etc
60K     /srv
9.0M    /sbin
Nothing close to 965 MB. 
For instance /root has some big files that can be moved to your home 
directory. It could be old /tmp and /var that have files that are not deleted 
before you mounted partitions on that directories and they take place on hard 
disk. I would check /root (home of root user) first and move large files to 
your home directory. If that doesn't help, than, end GUI session (log out > 
end current session) go to console with Ctrl+Alt+F2 login as root, and:
  init 1 
  umount /tmp
  ls -al /tmp
if you see any files delete them. 
  cd /tmp
  rm -IR ./*   # check man page. The rm command can do a damage.
Mount /tmp again:
  mount /dev/sda8 /tmp
Now /var:
  umount /var
  ls -al /var
if you see any files delete them.
  cd /var
  rm -IR ./*   # check man page. The rm command can do a damage. 
  mount /dev/sda6 /var
back to GUI
  init 5 

Apropos download:
To download you can use console program:
  wget -c <URL> 
started in directory where you want to save file. 

Recently I stopped download and opted not to delete temporary file in download 
directory. It was ending with *.iso.part. Renaming *.iso.part to *.iso and 
starting 'wget -c <URL>', with server address instead of <URL>, in that 
directory wget picked up and downloaded the rest (first surprise, somewhat 
expected). That was Alpha1 and iso works in VirtualBox (second surprise, not 
really expected). 

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