On Tuesday 29 January 2008 09:09:47 am Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Tuesday 2008-01-29 at 00:20 -0600, Rajko M. wrote:
> > The problem seems to be somewhat tight size of partitions:
> > Device          Size            Mount point     Free
> > sda2            965.1MB         /               0B
> > sda8            1011.4MB        /tmp            926.4MB
> Probably. They are too small, no margin.
> > I was looking few directories that are left in your / directory:
> > 76M     /lib
> Mine is 133 MiB
> > 7.3M    /bin
> > 112K    /dev
> > 41M     /etc
> Mine is 98 MiB
> > 60K     /srv
> 180 MiB
> > 9.0M    /sbin
> 13 MiB
> --
> Cheers,
>         Carlos E. R.

Still, it is not close to 965 MiB. 
Looking the partitions it seems that all is created during installation, so it 
should not be a /tmp and /var previous content that is using hard disk, 
unless installer used them and forgot to clean after mounting partitions. 

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