Stefan Hundhammer pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 January 2008 13:55, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>>> du -sk|sort -n   will report least used to most used. Ignore filesystems
>>> on other partitions and you are on your way to solving the problem. When
>>> you find which directory is the culprit cd to it and run the command
>>> again and again cd to the most used directory again until you find the
>>> problem.
>> Considering that one of the partitions has 250 GB, that will take a long
>> time. Better use a command that will not consider any other partition.
>> Like du -x, perhaps.
> I wonder why anybody would bother with "du" on the command line these days 
> for 
> this kind of task. There are a number of GUI applications to do just that.
> or Baobab for GNOME or FileLight. ANY of those is way superior to repeatedly 
> typing "du" and trying to figure out manually what's going on.
> CU

Because you need to use the tools _installed_ when the root directory is
full and you cannot install any other software. And it is always nice to
have knowledge of other tools at your disposal.

In this case / was full so no other software could be installed for
trouble shooting purposes.

Ken Schneider
SuSe since Version 5.2, June 1998
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