
I'm all for quality - but at the moment perhaps the more important thing is
_some useful_ documentation, rather than world best practice?

Personally I'm happy with a bunch of linked HTML files that look OK and are
readable - but most of all - have good content! :)

Anyone else?


On 12/12/02 11:11 PM, "Ken Egervari [eXtremePHP]" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
penned the words:

> Hani,
> That's pretty much my opinion about Maven and Cocoon (minus all the
> antagonism towards Jakarta and related OSS projects :P).
> I want to build something simple, but I also want to have the flexibility to
> do the 3 things we need: HTML (for local use), JSP (as currently being used)
> and PDF.  In the case of PDF, the actual generated document should be very
> different than the html version, but in some of the projects I've look at,
> they have degenerated the content of a PDF file to be as low as a simple
> ASCII document with a few uses of text styles and colours.  In my view, this
> isnıt a powerful utilize PDF documents since it would probably be productive
> and efficient to use plan ASCII then.
> To get the desired quality for our documentation, we need to use different
> tools rather than a generic tool that is less powerful.  I mean, the only
> thing that relates HTML to PDF is the content itself.  However, the way the
> content is organized, its presentation, the usability issues, etc. are
> completely different when you compare PDF to HTML.  A generic tool doesnıt
> really play to the strengths of either.
> This is why I considered hand-written XSLT documents and a simple Java
> program to make PDF documents.  I figured it was important to make Œqualityı
> documentation rather than Œeasy-to-generateı documentationı.
> This approach is still very simple.  It doesnıt rely on any complex
> frameworks.  The main principle for our documentation should be: ³it only
> generates documentation and it does it well².  Personally, I really like
> this approach despite some of the upfront work to make it happen.  I had a
> lot of ideas as to how the PDF document was going to look and iText/SAX (or
> some higher level xdoc library) seemed like a pretty way to make quality and
> customized documentation.
> Of course, this is up to debate and if Iım wrong here, thatıs okay too.  I
> just want to do the best possible work for the project.  Thatıs really what
> this is all about :)  Suggestions are always welcome.
> Regards,
> Ken Egervari
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hani Suleiman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [OS-webwork] Documentation
> I'm actually fairly strongly against maven. It's a huge project, and
> almost all of the websites produced by it have a cookie cutter feel to
> it. I also disagree with it being 'the way of the future'. It might be
> a fashionable choice for many OSS projects, but so are a lot of other
> things that have little beyond 'coolness' factor attached.
> I have no objections to xdocs, as it'd actually be a useful relevant
> tool for the point at hand. Bringing in maven just to use xdocs though
> is like buying a house with toolshed attached when all you wanted is a
> screwdriver.
> It's not a case of 'not invented here', it's a case of 'not jumping off
> the same lemming cliff that everyone else does, just because everyone
> else is'. A severe example of this is xdoclet. It's a great tool, I use
> it and rely on it completely. However, whenever I've tried working on
> bits of it to improve/contribute, I throw my arms up and give up,
> because it's so damn unwieldy. Having to installl maven just to read
> the cvs docs makes me very suspicious. Heck, someone even thought it
> necessary to internationalise the build messages! Featuritis gone mad,
> from where I stand (sorry Aslak!).
> Webwork's beauty to me is precisely because I don't have to commit to
> 20 other jars just to get trivial stuff to happen. While that too might
> be 'the way of the future' (if you consider the future to be jakarta
> projects + jakarta project wannabes), it'd be a sad day for webwork to
> conform to that particular wave.
> I know this argument has come up before, and I hope this thread doesn't
> degenerate into another flamefest (hilarious as I found the last one).
> So please take my comments for what they are; a heartfelt plea from the
> webwork user/occasional contributor gallery.
> On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 06:03 AM, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
>> Ken,
>> You bring up a lot of interesting things here, Iıll try to reply below
>> (note: Iım far from a documentation expert).
>>> Well, I've been looking at a bunch of technologies that we can use to
>>> build
>>> the documentation, but I'm not convinced that Maven will help us.
>>> Maven is an
>>> interesting project in that it does a hundred different things, but
>>> in terms
>>> of simplicity and the information available on the website, it's not
>>> there.  I
>>> think the documentation generation features are not nearly as
>>> important in the
>>> developer's minds in comparison to the project information, tools to
>>> simplify
>>> build/test cycles and all the other stuff it does.  It also seems to
>>> integrate
>>> with Turbine and all these other frameworks that I didn't know exist.
>>>  I think
>>> if people were worried about bloating this part of the project with a
>>> tool
>>> like Xalan, then they would definitely have some pretty strong
>>> opinion to not
>>> using Maven (I think I agree with them).  Since we aren't using Maven
>>> for it's
>>> other strengths, it's kind of clumsy to start using it for
>>> documentation now
>>> when simpler solutions make more sense.
>> I think people suggested Maven because it's 'the way of the future'.
>> We have
>> just started to use it at work, and it is fantastic once you get it
>> running.
>> As far as producing 'simple' documentation, it is very good. It uses
>> xdoc
>> from Apache, which would be my preferred way to generate the
>> documentation
>> (it's very simple, and 'mere mortals' can actually use it to write!).
>>> I seriously think simple tools like Xalan are more than enough because
>>> everyone probably has them in their classpath already, but I'm
>>> looking into
>>> Cocoon and Forrest right now (I'll put up another post to the
>>> newsgroup about
>>> my opinions on those) to see if they can simplify the required
>>> plumbing.
>> Cocoon and Forrest are huge overkill here I feel.
>>> I'm much more interested in offline documentation generation where I
>>> can
>>> simply include the static documents, the PDF files and the source
>>> code to
>>> build all of that (rather than include the necessary targets in the
>>> build.xml).  It doesn't make much sense to have every person in
>>> WebWork have
>>> these documentation generation tools on their computer right now
>>> since we
>>> haven't rolled out the documentation yet.  I would only include the
>>> documentation generation code and jars into the build.xml when we have
>>> something we are happy with.
>> Well, I'm quite sure WebWork will end up using Maven after 1.3 (ie in
>> the
>> next few months), so using it to build documentation probably makes
>> sense
>> there. As for simplicity, it couldn't be easier to generate 'maven
>> doc' :)
>>> iText was another library I was thinking about using due to its
>>> simplicity and
>>> flexibility.  I'd need to code a few Java classes to convert the xml
>>> document
>>> to PDF, but this wouldn't take more than a day.  Again, I would only
>>> do this
>>> just so we wouldn't need a full-blown framework like Cocoon or
>>> Forrest.  Like
>>> others have said, it's not a good idea to have Webwork developers or
>>> the user
>>> base that compiles from the source to be dependant on Cocoon or
>>> Forrest and I
>>> agree with that.  I'd like to look into them anyway just so I know
>>> for myself
>>> how they work.  If one of them will truly make our job much simpler
>>> to the
>>> point where I don't have to write a line of Java code, then I'll
>>> consider
>>> them.  Otherwise, I don't see the point to use them.
>> Gah! Let's not fall into the 'not invented here' syndrome, surely we
>> don't
>> need to write any tools to do this.
>> This is why people suggested HTML, it's much _simpler_! :)
>> The point is, surely the tools are an ancilliary issue? It's fairly
>> trivial
>> to move between tools at any time (half an hour of copy / paste at the
>> most). Let's concentrate on the big issues!
>>> Since the documentation is going to be static pages, I'll have to
>>> redesign the
>>> layout of the documentation obviously.  This means that the left-side
>>> will be
>>> a little different to accommodate the documentation while I'll
>>> probably keep
>>> the top bar very similar.  We also need to coordinate integrating
>>> this on the
>>> <>  website as well
>>> as it
>>> won't use sitemesh or whatever other gadgets the site is using now.
>>> These
>>> issues aren't a huge rush, but we could begin to talk about them.
>> Well, that's the beauty of SiteMesh - just drop the documentation in
>> and it
>> will be decorated automatically. The actual HTML produced should be
>> _very_
>> simple, and use CSS to style everything. That way we can reuse it in
>> many
>> places.
>> Again - concentrate on the bigger issues of writing it, adding /
>> moving a
>> logo is trivial!
>> Good thoughts though all of them - it's great to have someone thinking
>> about
>> it. My advice, let's start simple and just get things down first - we
>> can
>> worry about the details of the layout / tools later?
>> -mike
>>> Regards,
>>> Ken Egervari
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