Hi WG,

I think this work is very useful. I have some comments -

- We need a reference or some discussion of what we mean by "intent" before
we jump into SAIN in the Introduction.
- The statement "Such approaches are mainly suited for greenfield
deployments" about intent is not clear to me. Is the intent-based approach
(or SAIN) limited to new deployments? Maybe it is worth expanding on or
providing a reference.
- It is not clear to me the various difference between the Expression
graph, assurance graph, and computational graph. If the expression
graph/computation is all about how the health score is to be calculated,
why is that not in the YANG (which only talks of assurance graph)? Also, I
don't understand the difference between subservice and service expressions!
If the subservice has dependencies, does it become the same as the service
expressions? The model YANG only has subservices BTW!
- Does SAIN orchestrator has any say in what metric to collect and how it
impacts the health score? I understand in most cases it is to be analyzed
from the configuration but at the same time can that not be influenced by
the orchestrator?
- Some examples of how the health score might be calculated as an
integer between 0-100 would be nice in the example provided esp for a case
where it is something in middle like "60".

- Section 1, the closing parenthesis is missing -> (Section 3.3 of [RFC8969]
- Expand on first use - L3VPN, dBM,
- Add reference for kubernetes, Openconfig


On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 3:29 PM Tianran Zhou <zhoutianran=
40huawei....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Hi WG,
> This mail we start a two weeks working group last call for
> draft-ietf-opsawg-service-assurance-architecture-03.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-opsawg-service-assurance-architecture/
> Please send over your comments before June 22.
> Please also indicate if you think this document is ready to progress.
> Cheers,
> Tianran, on behalf of chairs
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