On Nov 17, 2023, at 12:30 AM, mohamed.boucad...@orange.com wrote:

> Hi Michael, 
>> draft-ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype - Standards Track to create Registry
> I thought that we agreed that this justification for PS is not accurate (1): 
> "linktypes "highest" level is Specification Required". A better reason should 
> be provided. 

I'm not sure that draft-ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype Proposes a Standard.

draft-ietf-opsawg-pcap and draft-ietf-opsawg-pcapng could be viewed as 
proposing that two already-existing capture file formats, in significant use, 
be considered standards of some sort, at least to the extent that an RFC 
documents them.

Both of those file formats have fields whose values correspond to linktypes, 
with the set of linktypes, and the numerical values corresponding to each 
linktype, being the same for the field in pcap (the per-file linktype) and 
pcapng (the per-interface linktype).

draft-ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype proposes a large number of linktypes to be 
assigned particular numerical values, so I'm not sure it proposes *a* standard, 
any more than, say, RFC 790's "ASSIGNED INTERNET PROTOCOL NUMBERS" section 
proposes *a* standard.

That might be the best analogy here:

        draft-ietf-opsawg-pcap defines a file format, with a "LinkType and 
additional information" field in the file header, the low-order 16 bits of 
which contain a "LinkType", just as RFC 791 defines a protocol, with the 
protocol header containing a "Protocol" field that contains a protocol number;

        draft-ietf-opsawg-pcapng defines a file format, with a "LinkType" field 
in every Interface Description Block in the file that contains a "LinkType", 
just as RFC 8200 defines a protocol, with the protocol header and extension 
headers containing a "Next Header" field that contains a protocol number;

        draft-ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype defines a bunch of values for 
"LinkTypes", just as RFC 790's "ASSIGNED INTERNET PROTOCOL NUMBERS" section 
defines several protocol numbers.

The intent is to have a registry for "LinkTypes", just as there's a registry 
for protocol numbers; neither registry's contents are fully specified by a 
single document, as additional values have been and, if a registry for 
"LinkTypes" is established, will in the future be added.
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