Greg Mirsky <> wrote:
    > I have to repeat that the definitions of terms "in-band OAM", "out-of-band
    > OAM", and "on-path telemetry"

    > In-band OAM:  an active OAM method that is in band within the
    > monitored DetNet OAM domain when it traverses the same set of
    > links and interfaces receiving the same QoS and Packet
    > Replication, Elimination, and Ordering Functions (PREOF) treatment
    > as the monitored DetNet flow.

    > Out-of-band OAM:  an active OAM method whose path through the DetNet
    > domain may not be topologically identical to the path of the
    > monitored DetNet flow, its test packets may receive different QoS
    > and/or PREOF treatment, or both.

On the topic of RFC8994's overlay management network, which we described as
virtual out-of-band.  It would seem to fit into the above definition, since
the overlay packets might go another route, and might get a different QoS

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IΓΈT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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