Title: RE: dbshut script - shutdown or shutdown immediate

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremiah Wilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> ...
> So use your test systems, load them up like production, and try both.
> I bet in 9 out of 10 cases, checkpoint+abort+startup will be much
> faster than shutdown immediate+startup.
> ...


alter system checkpoint
startup force restrict
shutdown immediate

any different than

alter system checkpoint
shutdown abort
startup restrict
shutdown immediate

I am of the belief that the two are identical. I use the first three statements.

TFM (8.1.7) says "STARTUP FORCE: Shuts down the current Oracle instance (if it is running) with SHUTDOWN mode ABORT, before restarting it. If the current instance is running and FORCE is not specified, an error results. FORCE is useful while debugging and under abnormal circumstances. It should not normally be used."

Why would there be a warning for STARTUP FORCE saying "It should not normally be used" when there is no such warning for "SHUTDOWN ABORT"?

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