Talvez isso ajude: para alterar o nome do database.

*Oracle9i Database Utilities**
Release 2 (9.2)*
Part Number A96652-01

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DBNEWID is a database utility that can change the internal database
identifier (DBID) and the database name (DBNAME) for an operational

This chapter contains the following sections:

   - What Is the DBNEWID
   - Ramifications of Changing the DBID and
   - Changing the DBID and DBNAME of a

What Is the DBNEWID Utility?

Prior to the introduction of the DBNEWID utility, you could manually create
a copy of a database and give it a new database name (DBNAME) by re-creating
the control file. However, you could not give the database a new identifier
(DBID). The DBID is an internal, unique identifier for a database. Because
Recovery Manager (RMAN) distinguishes databases by DBID, you could not
register a seed database and a manually copied database together in the same
RMAN repository. The DBNEWID utility solves this problem by allowing you to
change any of the following:

   - Only the DBID of a database
   - Only the DBNAME of a database
   - Both the DBNAME and DBID of a database

Ramifications of Changing the DBID and DBNAME

Changing the DBID of a database is a serious procedure. When the DBID of a
database is changed, all previous backups and archived logs of the database
become unusable. After you change the DBID, you must open the database with
the RESETLOGS option, which re-creates the online redo logs and resets their
sequence to 1 (see the *Oracle9i Database Administrator's
Consequently, you should make a backup of the whole database immediately
after changing the DBID.

Changing the DBNAME without changing the DBID does not require you to open
with the RESETLOGS option, so database backups and archived logs are not
invalidated. However, changing the DBNAME does have consequences. You must
change the DB_NAME initialization parameter after a database name change to
reflect the new name. Also, you may have to re-create the Oracle password
file. If you restore an old backup of the control file (before the name
change), then you should use the initialization parameter file and password
file from before the database name change.
Changing the DBID and DBNAME of a Database

This section contains these topics:

   - Changing the DBID and Database
   - Changing Only the Database
   - Troubleshooting a DBID Change
   - Troubleshooting a Database Name Change

Changing the DBID and Database Name

The following steps describe how to change the DBID of a database.
Optionally, you can change the database name as well.

   1. Ensure that you have a recoverable whole database backup.

   1. Ensure that the target database is mounted but not open, and that it
   was shut down consistently prior to mounting. For example:


4.           STARTUP MOUNT


   1. Invoke the DBNEWID utility on the command line, specifying a valid
   user with the SYSDBA privilege. For example:

4.           % nid TARGET=SYS/ora...@test_db


To change the database name in addition to the DBID, specify the
DBNAMEparameter. This example changes the name to

% nid TARGET=SYS/ora...@test DBNAME=test_db2

The DBNEWID utility performs validations in the headers of the datafiles and
control files before attempting I/O to the files. If validation is
successful, then DBNEWID prompts you to confirm the operation (unless you
specify a log file, in which case it does not prompt), changes the DBID for
each datafile (including offline normal and read-only datafiles), and then
exits. The database is left mounted but is not yet usable. For example:

DBNEWID: Release

(c) Copyright 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Connected to database TEST_DB (DBID=3942195360)

Control Files in database:



Change database id of database SOLARIS? (Y/[N]) => y

Proceeding with operation

    Datafile /oracle/dbs/tbs_01.f - changed

    Datafile /oracle/dbs/tbs_02.f - changed

    Datafile /oracle/dbs/tbs_11.f - changed

    Datafile /oracle/dbs/tbs_12.f - changed

    Datafile /oracle/dbs/tbs_21.f - changed

New DBID for database TEST_DB is 3942196782.

All previous backups and archived redo logs for this database are unusable

Proceed to shutdown database and open with RESETLOGS option.

DBNEWID - Database changed.

If validation is not successful, then DBNEWID terminates and leaves the
target database intact. You can open the database, fix the error, and then
either resume the DBNEWID operation or continue using the database without
changing its DBID.

   1. After DBNEWID successfully changes the DBID, shut down the database:



   1. Mount the database. For example:

6.           STARTUP MOUNT


   1. Open the database in RESETLOGS mode and resume normal use. For



Make a new database backup. Because you reset the online redo logs, the old
backups and archived logs are no longer usable in the current incarnation of
the database.
Changing Only the Database Name

The following steps describe how to change the database name without
changing the DBID.

   1. Ensure that you have a recoverable whole database backup.

   1. Ensure that the target database is mounted but not open, and that it
   was shut down consistently prior to mounting. For example:


4.           STARTUP MOUNT


   1. Invoke the utility on the command line, specifying a valid user with
   the SYSDBA privilege. You must specify both the DBNAME and
SETNAMEparameters. This example changes the name to

4.           % nid TARGET=SYS/ora...@test_db DBNAME=test_db2 SETNAME=YES


DBNEWID performs validations in the headers of the control files (*not* the
datafiles) before attempting I/O to the files. If validation is successful,
then DBNEWID prompts for confirmation, changes the database name in the
control files, and exits. After DBNEWID completes successfully, the database
is left mounted but is not yet usable.

DBNEWID: Release

(c) Copyright 2002 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Connected to database TEST_DB (DBID=3942196782)

Control Files in database:



Change database name of database TEST_DB to TEST_DB2? (Y/[N]) => Y

Proceeding with operation

Database name changed from TEST_DB to TEST_DB2 - database needs to be


Modify parameter file and generate a new password file before restarting.

DBNEWID - Successfully changed database name

If validation is not successful, then DBNEWID terminates and leaves the
target database intact. You can open the database, fix the error, and then
either resume the DBNEWID operation or continue using the database without
changing the database name.

   1. Shut down the database. For example:



   1. Set the DB_NAME initialization parameter in the initialization
   parameter file to the new database name.

   1. Create a new password file.

   1. Start up the database and resume normal use. For example:

8.           STARTUP

Troubleshooting a DBID Change Operation

If the DBNEWID utility succeeds in its validation stage but detects an error
while changing the DBID, then the utility stops and leaves the database in
the middle of the change. In this case, you cannot open the database until
the DBNEWID operation is either completed or reverted. DBNEWID displays
messages indicating the status of the operation.

Before continuing or reverting, fix the underlying cause of the error.
Sometimes the only solution is to restore the whole database from a recent
backup and perform recovery to the point in time before DBNEWID was started.
This underscores the importance of having a recent backup available before
running DBNEWID.

If you choose to continue the DBID change operation rather than revert it,
reexecute your original command. The DBNEWID utility resumes and attempts to
continue the change until all datafiles and control files have the new DBID.
At this point, the database is left mounted. You should shut it down and
then mount it again prior to opening it with the RESETLOGS option.

If you choose to revert a DBNEWID operation, and if the reversion succeeds,
then DBNEWID reverts all performed changes and leaves the database in a
mounted state.

To revert a stalled DBID change operation, run the DBNEWID utility again,
specifying the REVERT keyword. For example:


Troubleshooting a Database Name Change Operation

If you specify that only the database name should be changed (and not the
DBID), then the validation process is the same as for a DBID change except
that DBNEWID checks only the control files. It does not read the datafiles.
If the validation encounters a problem, then the database is left mounted.

It is possible for validation to succeed, but for the actual database name
change to fail. The possible failure scenarios depend on how many control
files are in the database, as follows:

   - If you have one or more control files and DBNEWID fails on the first
   control file, then the database name is not changed in the control file. You
   can either try the operation again or open the database and resume normal
   database use.
   - If you have more than one control file and DBNEWID fails on the second
   control file or on any one thereafter, then some control files will have the
   old DBNAME and some will have the new DBNAME. In this case, you must either
   manually copy the first changed control file to all
CONTROL_FILESlocations, or revert by copying the unchanged control
files to all
   CONTROL_FILES locations.


The following diagrams show the syntax for the DBNEWID utility.

Text description of the illustration

Text description of the illustration

Text description of the illustration

the parameters in the DBNEWID syntax.
*Table 14-1  Parameters for the DBNEWID Utility*




Specifies the username and password used to connect to the database. The
user must have the SYSDBA privilege. If you are using operating system
authentication, then you can connect with the slash (/). If the $ORACLE_HOMEand
$ORACLE_SID variables are not set correctly in the environment, then you can
specify a secure (IPC or BEQ) service to connect to the target database. A
target database must be specified in all invocations of the DBNEWID utility.


Specify YES to indicate that a failed change of DBID should be reverted
(default is NO). The utility signals an error if no change DBID operation is
in progress on the target database. A successfully completed change of DBID
cannot be reverted. REVERT=YES is only valid when a DBID change failed.


Changes the database name of the database. You can change the DBID and the
DBNAME of a database at the same time. To change only the DBNAME, also
specify the SETNAME parameter.


Specify YES to indicate that DBNEWID should change the database name of the
database but should not change the DBID (default is NO). When you specify
SETNAME=YES, the utility only writes to the target database control files.


Specifies that DBNEWID should write its messages to the specified file. By
default the utility overwrites the previous log. If you specify a log file,
then DBNEWID does not prompt for confirmation.


Specify YES to append log output to the existing log file (default is NO).


Specify YES to print a list of the DBNEWID syntax options (default is NO).
Restrictions and Usage Notes

The DBNEWID utility has the following restrictions:

   - The utility is available only on the UNIX and Windows NT operating
   - The nid executable file should be owned and run by the Oracle owner
   because it needs direct access to the datafiles and control files. If
   another user runs the utility, then set the user ID to the owner of the
   datafiles and control files.
   - The DBNEWID utility must access the datafiles of the database directly
   through a local connection. Although DBNEWID can accept a net service name,
   it cannot change the DBID of a nonlocal database.
   - To change the DBID of a database, the database must be mounted and must
   have been shut down consistently prior to mounting. In the case of an Oracle
   Real Application Clusters database, the database must be mounted in
   - You must open the database with the RESETLOGS option after changing the
   DBID. Note that you do not have to open with the RESETLOGS option after
   changing only the database name.
   - No other process should be running against the database when DBNEWID is
   executing. If another session shuts down and starts the database, then
   DBNEWID aborts.
   - All online datafiles should be consistent without needing recovery.
   - Normal offline datafiles should be accessible and writable. If this is
   not the case, you must drop these files before invoking the DBNEWID utility.

   - All read-only tablespaces must be accessible and made writable at the
   operating system level prior to invoking DBNEWID. If these tablespaces
   cannot be made writable (for example, they are on a CD-ROM), then you must
   unplug the tablespaces using the transportable tablespace feature and then
   plug them back in the database before invoking the DBNEWID utility (see the
   *Oracle9i Database Administrator's
   - You can only specify REVERT when changing only the DBID.

Examples of Using DBNEWID Changing Only the DBID

The following example connects with operating system authentication and
changes only the DBID:

% nid TARGET=/

Changing the DBID and Database Name

The following example connects as user SYS and changes the DBID and also
changes the database name to test2:

% nid TARGET=SYS/ora...@test1 DBNAME=test2

Changing Only the Database Name

The following example connects as user SYSTEM and changes only the database
name, and also specifies a log file for the output:

% nid TARGET=SYSTEM/mana...@test2 DBNAME=test3 SETNAME=YES LOGFILE=dbid.out




Copyright © 1996, 2002 Oracle
All Rights Reserved.

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Para mudar nome da instancia

1-     Shutdown no banco;

2-     Cria o serviço e a instancia

C:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\oradim.exe -new -sid SATP -startmode
manual –spfile

C:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\oradim.exe -edit -sid SATP-startmode
auto -srvcstart system

3-     Seta a instancia: SET ORACLE_SID=SATP

Verifica-se pela query:

Select instance_name from v$instance.

4-     Configurar novo serviço com o NETCA

Em 18 de maio de 2010 16:46, Reginaldo de Faveri

> Exato. Quando temos comunicação usamos via duplicate...
> Diego, estou seguindo o material que você me enviou e ele eh muito bom. Soh
> estou com um problema. Estou criando a base com um novo nome então na hora
> do comando "ALTER DATABASE MOUNT;" ocorre o erro abaixo. Você teria alguma
> dica?
> RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
> RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
> RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
> RMAN-03002: failure of alter db command at 05/18/2010 16:42:08
> ORA-01103: database name 'PRODUCAO' in control file is not 'TESTE'
> Eu creio que deveriar executar algum comando tipo: "set new__db_name TESTE"
> antes do mount;
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br <oracle_br%40yahoogrupos.com.br> [mailto:
> oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br <oracle_br%40yahoogrupos.com.br>] Em
> nome de Diego Leite
> Enviada em: terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010 16:24
> Para: oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br <oracle_br%40yahoogrupos.com.br>
> Assunto: Re: [oracle_br] Restore RMAN
> Ivan,
> Acredito que seria otima ideia se o amigo nao tivesse o problema de nao
> comunicacao entre estes servidores, somente por ftp.
> (Lembro
> que os servidores (da base origem e da nova base) não tem comunicação.
> Atualmente é feito um backup, baixado via FTP e copiado para o outro
> servidor.
> Certo Reginaldo? tendo comunicacao pode ser feito via duplicate sim...
> --
> Att,
> Diego Leite
> Em 18 de maio de 2010 15:43, David Ricardo 
> <drb.rica...@gmail.com<drb.ricardo%40gmail.com>>
> escreveu:
> >
> >
> > Olá, creio que uma boa opção seria uma DUPLICATE DATABASE com alguns SET
> > NEWNAMES para mudar as localizações dos Datafiles e arquivos do Banco de
> > Dados, e no Duplicate você pode mudar o nome da Instancia também.
> >
> > Ats.
> >
> > Em 18 de maio de 2010 15:18, Ivan Ricardo Schuster
> <ivanr...@gmail.com <ivanrs79%40gmail.com><ivanrs79%40gmail.com>>escreveu:
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > No 10g, você pode recuperar seu backup com outro nome usando o
> > > "duplicate target database to ...". Procure no google que você vai
> > > achar vários exemplos.
> > >
> > > No 11g já seria mais fácil, pois você nao precisaria de um backup para
> > > fazer o clone, você poderia fazer usando a new feature "duplicate from
> > > active database".
> > >
> > > 2010/5/18 Diego Leite <diegoleit...@gmail.com<diegoleite2v%40gmail.com>
> <diegoleite2v%40gmail.com><diegoleite2v%
> > 40gmail.com>>:
> >
> > >
> > > > Reginaldo,
> > > >
> > > > ve se te ajuda
> > > >
> > http://www.youngcow.net/doc/oracle10g/backup.102/b14191/rcmrecov002.htm
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Att,
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Diego Leite
> > > > DBA ORACLE
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Em 18 de maio de 2010 14:56, Reginaldo de Faveri
> > > > <regina...@softplan.com.br <reginaldo%40softplan.com.br> <reginaldo%
> 40softplan.com.br> <reginaldo%
> > 40softplan.com.br>>escreveu:
> >
> > > >
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> Olá senhores boa tarde?
> > > >>
> > > >> Sempre que precisamos criar uma base a partir de outra (em outro
> > > servidor)
> > > >> fazemos um backup via RMAN, criamos uma instancia com o mesmo nome
> > > original
> > > >> assim como o mesmo caminho. Após o restore, renomeamos a mesma e,
> > quando
> > > >> necessário ajustamos o caminho.
> > > >>
> > > >> Ocorre que gostaria de fazer isto de modo direto tipo um restore
> onde
> > > >> pudesse já informar o nome da nova base bem como o seu novo caminho.
> > > >> (Lembro
> > > >> que os servidores (da base origem e da nova base) não tem
> comunicação.
> > > >> Atualmente é feito um backup, baixado via FTP e copiado para o outro
> > > >> servidor.
> > > >>
> > > >> Procurei seguir os materiais que tenho assim como o Google mas não
> > > >> consegui.
> > > >> Alguém teria uma receita de bolo?
> > > >>
> > > >> Estou usando Oracle Standard
> > > >>
> > > >> [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ------------------------------------
> > > >
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> > > inteira responsabilidade de seus remetentes.
> > > > Acesse: http://www.mail-archive.com/oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br/
> > > > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > > >>Apostilas » Dicas e Exemplos » Função » Mundo Oracle » Package »
> > > Procedure » Scripts » Tutoriais - O GRUPO ORACLE_BR TEM SEU PROPRIO
> > > VISITE: http://www.oraclebr.com.br/
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> > > Yahoo! Grupos
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > "O mistério da vida me causa a mais forte emoção. É o sentimento que
> > suscita
> > a beleza e a verdade, cria a arte e a ciência. Se alguém não conhece essa
> > sensação ou não pode mais exprimir espanto ou surpresa, já é um
> morto-vivo
> > e
> > seus olhos se cegaram.".(Albert Einstein - 1879 - 1955)"
> >
> >
> > [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
> >
> >
> >
> [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
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Raul Francisco da Costa Ferreira de Andrade
DBA - OCA - Oracle Certified Associate
COBIT Foundation 4.1
Fone: (41)8855-8874 Brt
email: raulf...@gmail.com
Skype: raul.andrade
"Não somos seres humanos passando por uma experiência espiritual
Somos seres espirituais passando por uma experiência humana."

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>responsabilidade de seus remetentes.
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