>But that now raises the question of what we call the other half of the
creative act: what word do we use for the physical artwork, and what do we
call the person who folds it?

I want to clarify something I have felt as a truth for some time - the
difference between craft and art: CRAFT is the process, ART is the result.
I can craft my art (make my art), but I cannot art my craft. That does not
sound logical and like proper English.

A model is a displayed piece. The term MODEL is such a well know term in the
origami community, I feel it would be very hard to change and there needs to
be a consensus to do so.

Personally I much prefer the word designer over creator because I am an
Artist Trading Card (ATC) creator but I include origami models designed by
origami designers, is I create the ATC but do not design all elements within

I this "folds" for the resulting piece is not clear. What does it mean to
make lots of folds? 

Personally, I think a person who makes origami (not only the designer)
should be an Origamist, not an Origamian (to keep things consistent), and an
origamist can be described as an origami artist.

Also, I design simple models, but do not consider myself a composer, I
cannot read music... I am happy to hear more discussion.

Lisa B. Corfman


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