Jason von Nieda wrote:

> I am trying to decide how I should handle scheduled tasks in my
> applications under Orion. I have to do things like send out montly
> e-mails to registered users,  expire old content every 90 days and such.
> I originally did this as a servlet that created a Thread but I was
> uncomfortable with it. I am currently doing it completely seperate
> from my application as a stand alone application but this is not
> ideal as it makes portability of applications difficult. I am currently
> looking into using EJBs for the task, but they don't quite fit
> either. Any ideas or experience on this one? Thanks.

I like your idea of keeping the functionality within your application. This
way if you switch servers, it's one less headache to contend with. I
suppose you could start up a couple of entity beans on deployment and let
them sleep until they run their maintenance routines.


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