I found this bug on the Javasoft Bug Parade that might explain the behaviour
you're seeing.

Hope it helps,
Todd Hough

----- Original Message -----
From: "Duffey, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 1:11 PM
Subject: RE: WinNT 4, SP5/6 and Orion consistently crashing..

> Sorry..I was a bit vague. What appears to happen is that Orion completely
> shuts down. I am not sure if you are anyone is familiar with remote access
> to administer a computer. What I do from my local box, using either
> PCAnywhere (for local computers) or Remote Desktop (for our production
> systems because the co-lo facility forces us to use that software). I log
> to the system. A few things happen. First, if we just log out of the
> computer normally, it seems to crash any Java running app..actually..it
> causes a thread dump (or core dump..not sure) of the JVM. We often have to
> log back in and restart. This we noticed with IIS/JRUN. In hopes that SP6
> would solve the problem, we upgraded to SP6 on one machine. Again..this is
> NT4 with SP6 and JDK1.2.2. Now, I am using run_as_service to run Orion as
> service. It seems to work fine..so I am not sure if that program causes a
> problem. I wish there was some OS level way to run Java as a service
> having to use a 3rd party tool. Sucks that they don't support that. I
> if Win2K does that (do you know?). Anyways...it appears though, that when
> another person logs in, then I come back in a bit later, the Orion window
> gone. The service says its still running, so I have to STOP the service
> START it again. But nobody can connect to the site any longer. I start the
> Orion service with java.exe not javaw.exe so I can see the output. We do
> some output of connection check-out/check-in, etc. Since we aren't
> on Orion yet, we haven't even tried to convert to using Orion's connection
> pooling. I will say this much, so as not to point blame at Orion because I
> really don't think that is the problem. Our code has a home-brewn
> persistence solution, home-brewn faxing solution (we are basically a
> that does about 3500 faxes a day..we have a pool of fax modems, and a
> program called HylaFax which we are replacing with a new one called Replix
> and using an out-sourced faxing farm). I don't know a lot about JDBC
> so I am not sure how we are storing objects, retrieving them etc. I have
> worked with our queries a bit, the "construction" of the WHERE clause
> anyways. I am also skeptical of why a machine with 512MB of ram runs out
> memory on a single query. The query can return results of 10,000 station
> objects, each object can't take up more than 1 or 2K of memory. Even
> on a E450 server (our Oracle runs on that) with 4 400Mhz cpus (64-bit),
> memory and a Veritos cluster of very fast hd's, it takes 7 minutes to get
> 464 station objects back in a query. From the query it doesn't appear that
> we are doing many joins. All of this leads me to believe our code is
> poorly (thankfully I wasn't involved in that code), and we have a lot of
> work to do to figure out why we run out of memory, queries take a long
> etc. But, I still haven't a clue why the Orion server would randomly
> disappear from the screen and we suddenly can't access it anymore. Another
> thing we notice is that when a person submits a query that seems to take a
> long time, Orion drastically degrades in performance. My thinking is that
> one thread running the query takes over, and other threads of the same
> priority (each incoming request) don't get executed very quickly. The CPU
> utilization goes to 100% when that happens, so I don't know if its the
> just went bad, or what. We are using JDBC 1.0 by the way.
> So..I am sort of up in arms about what to do. The worse part is we are not
> given the time to diagnose these issues. We keep moving forward with
> business needs and soon we expect to have 3 to 4 times the traffic on our
> site, and I don't think we are prepared to handle it. So, I guess I should
> say if you can shed any light on some areas of trying to diagnose these
> issues..that would be great. One thing I am doing..I am running Orion as
> application on a Win2K box with JDK 1.3. I am going to see if it suffers
> all from the same symptons we were seeing at our co-lo with NT4/sp6. If
> then that would give us the answer..at least to why it was crashing. If it
> does crash, then either Orion, our code or both are at fault, and we'll
> to get to the bottom of that.
> Thanks Karl, Magnus and anyone else with feedback.
> > Hello Kevin,
> >
> > What do you mean by crashing? Does Orion exit, do you get a
> > Dr. Watson, do you
> > get any other error, does it just stop listening to requests?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Karl Avedal
> >
> > "Duffey, Kevin" wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I am not sure why..but it appears that Orion 1.2.9 (and
> > 1.3.7) crashes
> > > whenever we "remote" into our server to do some work on it.
> > We have NT4 with
> > > SP5 on one machine, and SP6 on another. I have Orion using
> > run_as_service to
> > > put it in as a service. Even when I run it as an
> > application, this happens.
> > > It seems to work fine for a while, then it crashes. I know
> > our code is bad,
> > > but it seems to me with only 4 people using the thing for
> > testing, it should
> > > be fine. Has anyone been experiencing problems with Orion
> > crashing on NT
> > > with SP5 or SP6? Does the remote access do something to the
> > JVM? Its using
> > > JDK 1.2.2-05 JRE.
> > >
> > > On the subject..does anyone know of a Win2K program that
> > will put Java apps
> > > as services? The run_as_service doesn't appear to
> > work..keeps giving some
> > > i/o problem.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> >

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