Hey all,

I know this is a little off-topic, but seeing as how Orion is about the only
fully compliant EJB server, I figured this would be a better place to ask.

Lately I have talked to a number of people that have been moving towards EJB
and pulled back because they have found it to be more tedious to develop, as
well as the end result was slower than just using Servlets.

I ask this because it appears to me that the servlet engine (at least with
2.2) being able to be failed over, load-balanced, etc, seems to be quite as
capable for scalability and fault-tolerance as the ejb engine used to be. I
do realize that the EJB container offers transaction management, but
connection pooling is available in the servlet engine at the server level as
well. So, if you lose speed in development time and performance, what is the
real benefits of moving to EJB? I should say this with caution..I am sure
the EJB engine/container offers some things the servlet container doesn't,
but I would think its possible to actually put those abilities in the
servlet container.

Anyways..I'll be interested in hearing any feedback on this.


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