I'm currently developing a big project using EJBs,a backend for a
one-hour delivery company. In fact, I'm using CMP EJB for the data and
a fakade object for processing.There were few factors that influenced the
.- You don't have to code in SQL. That says a lot on easy manteinance.
.- Don't need to understand, as a programmer, the how of inner working of
   your RDMBS.
.- If you have a RDBMS for development and another for production, you
    don't need to write SQL Scripts to recreate the table structure.
.- The migration of data from one RDMBS to another is very easy.
.- You can leave the transaction processing to the App Server.

We encounter only 2 main disadvantages:
.- Complex OR-Mapping are nor possible, and the ejbLoad-ejbStore
   method is not trustworthy.
.- For each object you need to create AT LEAST 3 classes

The first issue is solved using a Fakade class (see Fakade Pattern, I
don't have the URL rigth now).
The second issue is being solved by using a home made automated tool
that generates the required classes.

Anyway, EJB vs Servlets is a topic for a loooong discusion.

Best Regards

Rafael Alvarez                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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