You said it best..that is exactly what I am wondering. Right now I use JSP
to do the "VIEW", thus I put scriplets for conditional rendering, as well as
using JavaBeans populated by the logic code that is then rendered. I am
wondering..since I don't want to put XML output in my code directly (as we
used to do with Servlets and HTML using the response buffer), how exactly
can we utilize the awesome conditional scriplet stuff of JSP to render good
XML that can then be translated to HTML, PDF, RTF or WML in real-time, all
the while not killing performance. Obviously the extra step to use an XSL
and XML to produce the final output will take (I would think at least 2x or
more) longer, but we also want to still be able to give reasonable
performance for several 1000 users using our site throughout a 24-hour day.
On that would high-volume sites deal with this? Would they just
have 100's of web-servers in multiple farms to handle the load, just add
more to handle more? Orion has a kewl way of doing this with its island
setup, but I am not sure if any load-balancer can properly handle say 30
islands, each with 3 servers running Orion, or not.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 2:40 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: XSLT processors
> Since folks are talking about this at the moment I'd like to chime
> in. Basically your running the XML through an XSLT processor 
> and you have
> a stylesheet which translates the incoming XML to whatever 
> based on the
> rules defined in your stylesheet.
> I'd like to read more about how folks are using XSLT in 
> conjuction with
> JSP. I don't mean just to do multi channel delivery but more 
> so how they
> are able to define layout using XSL instead of using scriptlets to
> generate HTML.
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:
> > I would be interested in knowing how to even use an XSLT 
> engine! I know I
> > can get JSP to output XML with a header, but how do I 
> actually pass the XML
> > to the XSLT engine, and how do I specify I want HTML or WML 
> output? Is it a
> > servlet, and you just call upon it somehow from a JSP page 
> or when a request
> > is made, inside you grab the page using a URL connection to 
> get XML output
> > from the JSP page, then pass it on to an XSLT engine 
> somehow? I guess I
> > should buy a book on this topic..but I was hoping it would 
> be easy enough to
> > figure out.
> >  
> > Thanks.
> >  
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Derek Akers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:53 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: XSLT processors
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >     I have been using Xalan and JAXP as XSLT processors for 
> the past little
> > while, and have recently become aware of Saxon as well.  I 
> was wondering if
> > there is anyone out there who has used all three (or at least some
> > combination) at various times who would be willing to tell me what
> > differences there are between the three re: processing 
> efficiency, ease of
> > use, documentation, community, etc.
> >  
> > Thanks,
> >  
> > Derek Akers
> >  
> > Internet Application Developer
> > Eldan Software, Toronto
> > <> 
> > 
> > 

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