Take a look at the XSLT Programmer's Reference:


At 12:56 PM 10/11/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I would be interested in knowing how to even use an XSLT engine! I know I 
>can get JSP to output XML with a header, but how do I actually pass the 
>XML to the XSLT engine, and how do I specify I want HTML or WML output? Is 
>it a servlet, and you just call upon it somehow from a JSP page or when a 
>request is made, inside you grab the page using a URL connection to get 
>XML output from the JSP page, then pass it on to an XSLT engine somehow? I 
>guess I should buy a book on this topic..but I was hoping it would be easy 
>enough to figure out.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Derek Akers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:53 AM
>>To: Orion-Interest
>>Subject: XSLT processors
>>     I have been using Xalan and JAXP as XSLT processors for the past 
>> little while, and have recently become aware of Saxon as well.  I was 
>> wondering if there is anyone out there who has used all three (or at 
>> least some combination) at various times who would be willing to tell me 
>> what differences there are between the three re: processing efficiency, 
>> ease of use, documentation, community, etc.
>>Derek Akers
>>Internet Application Developer
>>Eldan Software, Toronto
>Kirk Yarina

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