On Today, Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Gary, I'm running 1.3.8.
> Per your research into the Orion JNDI namespace, could there be an
> undocumented quirk in Orion's implementation?  I've been using JNDI/LDAP
> pretty extensively the last couple months and have been super impressed
> with its ease and speed.  But, that environment is under my programmatic
> control, including the namespace design.  In fact what I'd really like
> to be able to do is throw a configuration switch enabling a networked
> LDAP server as an alternative to using the Orion JNDI namespace.  If
> there were a JNDI.xml file or something like that, perhaps it would be
> possible to organize the namespace in a way that makes best sense for
> your enterprise application architecture; and of course other servers
> would be able to share centralized resources.  To my thinking
> DataSources kind of cry out for this approach.  Seems to be the J2EE
> "way", although, I dunno, I'm still learning.

That sounds right to me.  I won't guess at whether there are quirks
in Orion's JNDI implementation because I just don't have enough
experience to know if my attempts to traverse the namespace should
have succeeded or not!  Kinda hard to tell from the spec, either
that or my reading of the spec has not been careful enough.

Mmmm, the only response I've ever had to a question to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] indicated that I should use
com.evermind.OrionConnectionDataSource with Oracle.  The sample
they gave me was:

Hi, for an ordinary data-source:



    name="Default data-source"



Then use the ejb-location in your resource-ref, it is pooled and
transactionally secure.

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

I haven't had a chance to work with this data-source, as it took
two weeks before I finally got the random hint to use "jdbc/*"
instead of "java:comp/env/jdbc/*".  Since then there's been the
minor issue of getting a revision out the door!

The strangest thing is, I have been unable to find any doc
for the OrionConnectionDataSource, and also have been unable
to find any evidence of it in any jar file!  But a data-source
using it does in fact load fine.

Let me know what happens if you try it!

Good luck,


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