On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Juan Lorandi (Chile) wrote:

> <flamebait>
> I've been reading all those neat messages about lack of english proficcency
> and I'd like to point out that more than half
> the members of Orion-Interest's native language isn't english... After all,
> orion itself is swedish...
> And being non-english, I really dislike any discriminating comments... It's
> a wide world and we all have to be tolerant...
> </flamebait>

Personally, I think all you non-US people need to get with the program and
immigrate. Everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - knows that English is the best
language out there. That's why, for example, the Bible was written in

<offtopic>Yes, I know, I'm getting sarcastic. But still! There's a fine
point here - we could all use a lot less Instant Reaction and leave such
concepts to our servers.

Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant

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