Hi, Cliff.

I don't remember what it was; honestly, remember that this is a voluntary
forum, and as such, sometimes things get overlooked. There's no monitor
saying "Someone needs to acknowledge poster XYZ." We try to be helpful -
people here do a LOT, if you ask me - but sometimes things happen. A
professional following, sure, but not one that's responsible for
professional support.

What did you need?

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Cliff Rowley wrote:

> Pardon me if I sound a little rude, but since not a single person has
> even acknowledged my last post, do I assume that (a) noone cares or
> (b) noone knows?  I am very keen to get started, and very keen to
> evaluate the various avenues open to us, and I had expected a
> commercial application to have a reasonably professional following. 
> Perhaps I was mistaken and I should look elsewhere?
> Cliff Rowley

Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant

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