
No, I'm using BASIC and FORM authorization, and I'm trying really badly
to not have to have any Users or Groups in principals.xml.  I have a
separate system that contains login and roles information.  I did find
(mentioned in another post that I myself made) that if I do a
parent.setParent(this) in my UserManagers setParent method that things
actually work correctly, I have no idea why this is.  When my setParent
method gets called it is passed an XMLUserManager as the parent, I think
what is happening is, with the principals file gone, that the real
UserManager sees mine as the parent and defaults to it, as opposed to
working the other way around.  Maybe that wasn't as clear as I had
hoped, I'm calling setParent(this) on the usermanager that is passed as
an argument to my usermanagers setParent method.

The difficulty of this issue really concerns me because J2ee is not very
useful if I have to duplicate my user and roles data into a server
specific location, and then try and maintain both sets of data.


> From: Ernie Phelps 
> Subject: RE: Custom UserManager. 
> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 04:41:15 -0800 
> Michael,
> Are you using RoleManager to do a login? The call should look
something like
> this (pulled from our CheckLogin action):
> // Login
> InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
> RoleManager roleManager = (RoleManager)
> context.lookup("java:comp/RoleManager");
> roleManager.login(username, password);
> There is a little bit of documentation on it's use in the docs
directory at:
> \orion\docs\api\com\evermind\security\RoleManager.html
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 12:40 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Custom UserManager.
> Server : Orion-1.4.5
> I've created a custom UserManager and referenced it in
> I've taken out the principal tags in all the other files.  Here is my
> problem: my custom user manager loads up and the init method gets
> but that's it.  The server never calls getUser on my user manager.
> very sure I'm missing something really silly and simple but I can't
> it due to the complete lack of adequate documentation.
> Thanks in advance.
> Michael L. Gantz

Michael L. Gantz                              Great Lakes Technology

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