IMHO, facades are only useful when they do some extra-work, e.g. 
consolidating the work with many other EJBs.

When you just use a facade to plainly forward any request to exactly one 
EntityBean (1:1 relationship between facades and EntityBeans) than it's not 
worth the trouble.

I am just about to write such 1on1 facades - because I need some extra level 
of security (checkout original topic of this thread). If I didn't have to 
cope with such security issues, I wouldn't use these facades; I'd rather 
prefer to directly communicate with my EntityBeans (for the sake of 


Armin Michel


On Monday 07 May 2001 10:07, you wrote:
> The call to a SFSB cause you (with Orion) at max the additional penalty of
> an extra Activation and Passivation cycle. Depending on the amount of
> resource usage for these extra cycli as percentage of the overall resource
> usage, the use of SFSBs will hit you.
> The thing which puzzles me is why not go to the Entity Bean directly
> itself? It saves both computer and programming resources. In all
> discussions and readings I have found no decent arguments that prevent me
> from going direct, unless you throw in the -valid- information hiding
> argument.
> The system I'm working on uses a Swing client. Most important reason: Using
> an application client you can validate user input the moment it gets
> entered.
> One of the things we do is validating keys against the server the moment
> someone has entered the complete key. The validation is done against the
> Entity Bean itself, not against a facade.
> Now I know that the quality of constructive comments does not necessarily
> have a positive correlation with the price of a suite, but an expensive
> (and thus highly regarded) consultant claimed that using a SLSB facade is
> better.
> I still can't figure out why (although I do agree that the extra
> performance overhead is little), so I'm tending to the position that it's
> probably bollocks.
> Stuborn at the risk to get shot ...
> FE

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