> The thing which puzzles me is why not go to the Entity Bean directly itself? It saves
> both computer and programming resources. In all discussions and readings I have
> found no decent arguments that prevent me from going direct, unless you throw in
> the -valid- information hiding argument.

Because you may be accessing more than one EB via the SLSB, as I explained in
my previous posting. Did you read it? I specifically CC-ed you on that email.

> Now I know that the quality of constructive comments does not necessarily have a
> positive correlation with the price of a suite, but an expensive (and thus highly 
> consultant claimed that using a SLSB facade is better.
> I still can't figure out why (although I do agree that the extra performance 
>overhead is little),
> so I'm tending to the position that it's probably bollocks.

Unless you consider network latency. I take it you have not done I lot of
RPC programming in your many years as a developer?

> Stuborn at the risk to get shot ...

Cocking gun... ;)


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