
Might I say in advance that I've read your posts in the past and they are
good, however this one is severly off the mark and badly wrong in judgement.

> After my criticism, subsequent messages from others on the original thread
> ("RE: Oracle deal") also went through fine, but none of them were critical
> of Ironflare.  In fact, all of them either told me to shut up (Greg
> Stickley and Hani Suleiman, who described the problem as a "pebble"), were
> complimentary of the deal, and/or tried to change the subject.  Seems odd
> to me that not one, single critical comment about the most important
> business deal in Orion Server's history came after mine, unless the thread
> was being censored.

There is NO censorship on this list, I know the guys and trust me when I say
there isn't. There have been list problems of late with the whole IronFlare
team in SF - I'm sure they will be rectified soon. (For note I sent a very
complimentary email that also didn't get through)

> I would point out one of Karl's statements in his reply to me:
> "The purpose
> of the orion-interest has always been to promote the exchange of
> experiences and knowledge between our users, not as a channel to
> communicate with us."
> I interpret the statement above to be a veiled warning that "big
> brother is
> watching" and not to criticize Ironflare via orion-interest.

I think you've been watching too much reality TV. IronFlare have never shied
away from negative comment (much on this list). Quiet they may be, big
brother they are not.

> Don't you also find it odd that Ironflare did not make this announcement?
> Rather, it came from Bryan Young's discovery after trying oc4j.  My guess
> is that Ironflare, possibly under orders from Oracle, wanted to keep this
> quiet and is now attempting damage control.

Yes odd indeed. Let me see:
- Oracle has a press / marketing team of hundreds of individuals.
- IronFlare doesn't have enough people to answer sales emails
- IronFlare team is in SF, with little time to send out PRs
- Oracle announces the deal first - shock horror!!

> If it's a list problem, okay, but how can we possibly know?  Time will
> tell, though it could also be that open discussions are not and have never
> been allowed in this "interest" group.

I've spoken to the guys and they assure me it's a list problem. There is no
censorship here, never has, never will be. The product stands on it's
merits, nothing else.


PS Sorry if this comes across as angry, I am. I'm sick of people sledging
the IronFlare folks whenever anything happens. They're great guys, with a
killer product, and they're working their guts out. Because they don't spend
as much time as you deem necessary on PR, they're somehow Machiavellian ?
Cut them some slack!

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