On a different note concerning the Oracle deal:

I wasn't at JavaOne, but I've been reading all about it on the web.  One
news story that I've seen a lot about is Larry Ellison and Bill Coleman's
little fight.  Oracle has put Orion in the big leagues... I mean, Karl could
have produced all sorts of documentation that said "Orion is better then
Weblogic," but BEA would have paid it no attention.  However, when Oracle
says "Oracle is better then Weblogic," BEA certainly takes notice!

I consider this a great victory for Ironflare, the J2EE community, and every
single young person hacking away in his garage.  This proves it--a few
talented and committed developers can accomplish anything they set their
minds too.  I think Larry Ellison said it best, when, at JavaOne, he said
"We have thrown out literally all of our old Java code.  The reason we threw
away all of our old J2EE implementations is we had to build a high
performance, scaleable version of J2EE. We think that this is a huge
breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
biggest threat to Java, which is performance."

And we, all of us on this list, know what Larry Ellison was really saying...

"We replaced all our old Java code with the code from a small Swedish
company called Ironflare.  The reason we threw away all of our old J2EE
implementations was that, plain and simple, these two Swedish guys are
studs, and had managed to build a high performance, scaleable version of
J2EE when we had largely failed internally.  We think that this is a huge
breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
biggest threat to Java, which is performance."

         CEO, ORACLE

Now, that is sweet!

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