Great news, seriously.

Do you know whether or not the same/similar documentation is or will be
available on orion-support.com or orionserver.com?


At 10:53 AM 6/11/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I am an oracle customer. All you have to do is call support, and they answer
>questions about orion. They also have good attempt at documentation:
>You will have to create an account with otn, but that's pretty easy to do by
>going to :
>http://technet.oracle.com/index.html, and clicking the membership link. Its
>the elephantwalker
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay Armstrong
>Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 10:22 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE: Oracle deal gag... but on a different note.
>A lot of what you're saying is true.  I acknowledge that Orion is
>relatively fast and has some great features (like auto-reconfigure), but I
>recall that Orion used to claim that it was the fastest J2EE product (or
>something like that), then had to remove that claim from the
>orionserver.com site (I think BEA challenged the claim).
>Also, one of the first questions I get asked when recommending software for
>clients is about support.  It's probably the primary reason why major
>systems do not rely on open products, or "semi-open" products like Orion.
>Yes, Karl and Magnus built a fabulous product, but where's the support
>(documentation, help desk, etc)?
>I am not applauding the support for WebLogic, WebsFear, IPlanit, etc, but
>if I report a problem with WebLogic to BEA, eventually it will filter to
>the gurus, who will respond (usually they ask for a reconfigure, restart,
>and a dump).
>Who will handle this for Orion/Oracle?  Karl and Magnus?  They rarely
>respond now, so don't you think they could get even more overwhelmed?
>Please, point me to where Ellison talked about support.
>At 09:32 AM 6/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>On a different note concerning the Oracle deal:
>>I wasn't at JavaOne, but I've been reading all about it on the web.  One
>>news story that I've seen a lot about is Larry Ellison and Bill Coleman's
>>little fight.  Oracle has put Orion in the big leagues... I mean, Karl
>>have produced all sorts of documentation that said "Orion is better then
>>Weblogic," but BEA would have paid it no attention.  However, when Oracle
>>says "Oracle is better then Weblogic," BEA certainly takes notice!
>>I consider this a great victory for Ironflare, the J2EE community, and
>>single young person hacking away in his garage.  This proves it--a few
>>talented and committed developers can accomplish anything they set their
>>minds too.  I think Larry Ellison said it best, when, at JavaOne, he said
>>"We have thrown out literally all of our old Java code.  The reason we
>>away all of our old J2EE implementations is we had to build a high
>>performance, scaleable version of J2EE. We think that this is a huge
>>breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
>>biggest threat to Java, which is performance."
>>And we, all of us on this list, know what Larry Ellison was really
>>"We replaced all our old Java code with the code from a small Swedish
>>company called Ironflare.  The reason we threw away all of our old J2EE
>>implementations was that, plain and simple, these two Swedish guys are
>>studs, and had managed to build a high performance, scaleable version of
>>J2EE when we had largely failed internally.  We think that this is a huge
>>breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
>>biggest threat to Java, which is performance."
>>       CEO, ORACLE
>>Now, that is sweet!

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