What is your point?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: Oracle deal gag

> >
> >We've all tried presenting the facts to you regarding the Oracle deal,
> >all we seem to be getting in respose is a descent into your own personal
> >madness. How about summing up the problems you have in a few short lines
> >that won't cause cynics like me to laugh or respond so unpleasantly?
> >
> >Hani
> >
> In spite of your personal attacks on my mental condition, I will try one
> more time to deal with facts and give yet another summary.
> Before doing so, let me state that yesterday I made a third attempt to
> my response to Karl.  I also sent it directly to Mike Cannon-Brookes
> him to post it.  So, three times now I've tried.  Let me ask you and the
> group, how many times must I try and fail to post that message before you
> will believe that it's getting blocked?  Seriously, just pick a number and
> I'll try that many times.
> Here's the summary:
> - 6 months ago (Dec 7), Karl stated, "resources will initially be spent
> more on building the organization and hiring the right people than would
> necessary if we didn't make the expansion."
> - Since then, there have been several threads about lack of support:
> "www.orionserver.com down again" (Dec 13), "What's going on with Orion?"
> (Jan 4), "Is the List alive?" (Jan 4), "Any news from Orion yet??" (Jan
> 15), "Orion Team Needs New List Software" (Mar 14), "Impossible getting
> attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?" (Mar 19),
> "Is the list dead?" (Apr 25)
> - Since then, "hiring the right people" has not occurred.
> - On Apr 18, Randy Kemp suggested Ironflare contact MySQL, which is also
> Sweden ("A Swedish Idea").  Like me, Randy was ridiculed by people, like
> Hani, who used terms such as "bizarre", "this whole ridiculous discussion"
> and "fairy tale".
> - On Apr 23, I reported a production licensing violation directly to Karl.
> He did not respond.
> - On Apr 24, I reported the production licensing violation to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Karl responded, stating, "We'll check into it."
> - On May 8, I asked Karl for a status on the licensing violation, but to
> date, have gotten no response.
> - On Jun 6, Bryan Young posted the following to this group: "I just read
> about Orion being used as the base code for their 9i app server."
> - On Jun 6, I responded, refering to the "A Swedish Idea" thread and
> stating, "I TOLD YOU SO."  I also stated, "I admire the way they've
> to build a decent product without having to hire testers."
> - On Jun 7, the day after my post, Karl responded via orion-interest,
> stating, "We've never been in it for the money, but that doesn't mean that
> you can survive in this society forever without having any money."
> - On Jun 7, I tried to respond to Karl via orion-interest.
> - On Jun 8, I made my second attempt to respond to Karl via
> - On Jun 10, I made my third attempt to respond to Karl via
> - I have tried three times to post my response to Karl, and been called
> mentally unstable for suggesting that they might be blocking negative
> comments.
> - Neither Ironflare nor Oracle have ever really "announced" their
> relationship.  It's not "announced" at www.orionserver.com.  Go to
> http://www.oracle.com and look at their JavaOne pages and search for
> "Orion".  It's buried in the user manual, but not "announced".
> So, my conclusions are:
> - Ironflare/Evermind has not hired testers or other staff as promised 6
> months ago.  They don't have to, because the user community does all of
> that (and more) for them.
> - Ironflare is in it, at least in part, for big money; otherwise, they
> would have collected from the production license violator.
> - Ironflare will leave you hanging if you report license violations.
> - Ironflare may be censoring messages.
> I can't lay it out much better than that.
> So, attack one of these facts and quit challenging my mental condition.
> >From the asylum,
> Jay

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