Hello Jay,

First off all, don't take this as an attack. I'll just point a weak
spot in your arguments.
JA> - Neither Ironflare nor Oracle have ever really "announced" their
JA> relationship.  It's not "announced" at www.orionserver.com.  Go to
JA> http://www.oracle.com and look at their JavaOne pages and search for
JA> "Orion".  It's buried in the user manual, but not "announced".

Orion, indeed, announced the relationship with oracle  (check the right
column ,under news, right after the place that says "Experimental:
1.5.2"). It's dated 06/05/2001

Also, Oracle has a press release, not saying "We Use Orion", but
saying that they use code from Ironflare. (follow the link fron

Check theserverside.com

Also, I don't see nothing wrong serving as a free tester from Ironflare
for it producs, given the minium price it charges for Orion. It gave
our startup company a good economic relief on times where other cheap
options where not nearly as good as Orion was (and is). Forte for Java
has more or less the same aproach: Free tester using netbeans and
Forte Comunity Edition Early Access Program, and charges 500$+ for the
full product. I think that if both parties got benefits is ok. I mean,
Ironflare got free testers, and we got an excelent, but cheap, J2EE
container. If they know what they're doing, they will continue the
orion development and give each stable version to Oracle.

BTW, if you want, send me the mail you're trying to post and I'll try
to post it.

Best regards,
 Rafael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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