Well, you're kinda asking for it, but your credentials clearly show why
you're so paranoid and are on very, umm, thin ground when it comes to
mental well being.

We've all tried presenting the facts to you regarding the Oracle deal, but
all we seem to be getting in respose is a descent into your own personal
madness. How about summing up the problems you have in a few short lines
that won't cause cynics like me to laugh or respond so unpleasantly?

If you had legitimate concerns that made people think 'ohyeah!' then I'm
sure you'd get a suitably well considered reply. I wouldn't hold my breath
though for any kind of 'official' reply as you've shown them why they
should never reply to people on this list.


On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Jay Armstrong wrote:

> Even paranoid people have enemies.
> I've never suggested a conspiracy.  The response I got from Karl was an
> immediate reaction to my comment that their testing was done for free.  Now
> testing/bug reporting by the "open" community will directly help Oracle.
> Try dealing with facts.  Six months ago, Karl stated they were hiring more
> people.  There have been several threads about their lack of support since
> then.  They still have only hired, maybe, a few (one?) additional
> employees.  They seem to have no interest in collecting for production
> licenses.  Out of the blue comes a deal with Oracle and they don't even
> announce it on the site.
> But since you think you're so frigging smart, let's compare our knowledge
> of the US intelligence community.
> My brother-in-law broke the code for the Unabomber's diary.  No kidding.
> Check it out for yourself.  His name is Mike Birch.  He's retired US Navy
> and now an FBI cryptographer.  He lives in Glen Bernie, MD, just outside
> Baltimore.  You want his phone number?  He was to testify in California,
> just before the Unabomber confessed.  (see
> http://www.cnn.com/US/9712/27/unabomb.diary/)  Mike's married to Florence
> Erolin, my wife's sister.  I named our corporation "Erolin, Inc" after
> their family name.  I assure you, the US intelligence community monitors
> the web constantly, and not just for viruses.  They do tap phones.  They do
> forge documents, etc, etc etc.
> >From 1986 to the early 90's, I held a Top Secret SBI clearance in the US
> Air Force and was a security manager and foreign disclosure officer.  When
> I managed the sale of $300M of F-16 jet engines to Egypt, there was a
> sizeable fund (millions) for bribes.  I've talked to people in military
> intelligence who monitor phones for a living.  What are your credentials,
> dumbass?
> I also have contacts in the World Bank.  Ever hear of them?  Are you stupid
> enough to think that they just give out charity loans to struggling countries?
> My wife dated a CIA employee overseas who worked at a front company in her
> country.  His job was to psychologically evaluate returning field agents.
> I wonder why they might need psychological help?
> Are you suggesting that the US intelligence community (CIA, FBI and NSA)
> are not monitoring Web communications?  You probably think they don't fly
> spy planes near China, send classified satellites up on the space shuttle,
> have the ability to tell you what kind of cigarette you're smoking from a
> satellite 90 miles above you, destroy the economies of countries, etc.
> Surprise!  They've been doing that and more for many years.  
> You probably don't believe corporate espionage exists, either.
> Seriously, smartass, I'd like a 'yes' or 'no' answer from you: do you
> really think the CIA doesn't monitor the web?
> Sorry about going off topic, but I'd like to avoid sarcasm and, please,
> just address the facts about the Oracle deal.
> At 02:30 PM 6/10/01 -0700, you wrote:
> >> From: Jay Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>
> >> [...paranoia...]
> >> 
> >
> >Have you ever considered that maybe your communications are being
> >intercepted and preprocessed by a CIA computer?  Do you hear clicking
> >noises every time you pick up the phone?
> >
> >You have accidentally sumbled across The Swedish Conspiracy.  Ironflare
> >is actually a front company for arms smuggling:  It is a little known
> >fact that Larry Ellison converted to a radical reactionary Islamic sect
> >recently.  Oracle purchases app servers from Ironflare, Ironflare uses
> >the money to purchase Kalishnakov rifles from nearby Russia, and a
> >renegade CIA group smuggles them into Afghanistan to support the
> >Taliban.  Magnus and Karl are ficticious identities; in fact their names
> >are acronyms for "Make Arms Gifts Neglecting Upgrading Software" and
> >"Keep Armstrong's Replies Limited".
> >
> >Now that you have now exposed yourself and your knowledge, the Men In
> >Black will be coming for you soon.  Good luck!
> >
> >
> >Jeff Schnitzer
> >
> >

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