The dtd for orion-application.xml says about library:
<!-- A relative/absolute path/URL to a directory or a .jar/.zip to add as a library-path for this server. Directories are scanned for jars/zips to include at startup. -->
<!ELEMENT library (#PCDATA)>
The main orion-application element is:
<!ELEMENT orion-application (ejb-module*,web-module*,client-module*,security-role-mapping*, persistence?, library*, principals?, mail-session*, user-manager?, log?, data-sources?, namespace-access?)>
Note the order. If library is not in the right order (after persistence and before principals), this won't work.
But this is application, which is for the overall server. You might try the orion-web.xml for specific support of  a codebase of a war file:
<!-- Specifies a codebase where classes used by this application (servlets/beans, etc) can be found. -->
<!ELEMENT classpath (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST classpath path CDATA #IMPLIED
This should be the first element in your orion-web-app element.
the elephantwalker
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eddie
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 8:15 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Classpath and library path ERROR ??? --> PLEASE again ???

I am have still having problems with the problem below. Can someone PLEASE help me with this ???
----- Original Message -----
From: Eddie
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 1:08 PM
Subject: Classpath and library path ERROR ???

I want to include a jar file in my application, so I put it in $APPLICATION_ROOT/lib
and in the orion-application.jar I put (I first let Orion generate the orion-application.xml file):
        <library path="./lib" />
        <library path="./lib/log4j-core.jar" />
        <library path="./lib/log4j.jar" />
However My application can't find the jar files: "NoClassDefFoundError".
Can someone please tell me how to solve this ???
I notice that Orion is reading the tags, as it complains when the names of the directory or jar file is incorrect.
BTW: my application needs his own jar file (so putting it in the orion lib dir is no alternative).
I have been struggling with this problem in the past as well and didn't solve it.
I now have Orion 1.5.1 with redHat 7.0 and still have the same problem.
I searched the mailinglist and tried a lot of possible solutions, but had bad luck.
I like to hear how people solved this running on Linux, without having there application in an EAR, as I noticed that the people that have it working are running Windowz or/and an EAR file.
I am getting frustrated by this problem, so please come up with a solution??
What I tried, among others:
1- let orion deploy the application in the application directory (in the server.xml).
2 - put the lib files in the deployment dir.
3 - including the jar files as absolute paths and other forms..
4 - the persmission are correct of the files.

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