Which orion-application.xml are you editing?
The one in applications/yourapplication/META-INF or the one in 

I was having the same problem.  I was modifying the 
applications/myapplication/META-INF/orion-application.xml but it wasn't 
copied to the application-deployments directory automaticaly, so I erased 
everything in the application-deployments directory to force Orion to 
redoploy the whole app.  I also had to copy the 
application-deployments/myapplication/principals.xml to 
applications/myapplication/META-INF before deleting the mentioned directory 
or Orion would complain.
After this, it worked.  The problem is that it is Orion specific.  I haven't 
found a J2EE standard way to share classes between modules.

I tested this only in Windows though.

Good luck.

>From: "Eddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Classpath and library path ERROR ??? --> PLEASE again ???
>Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 14:17:16 +0200
>Helllu ??
>What do you need to do to get an answer from this newsgroup when you are
>really in trouble ?? :(
>I still haven't be able to include a jar file in the orion-application.xml,
>that can be used by my application. It is able to use my jar when I put it
>in the $ORION_HOME/lib dir, but that's not what I want, as every 
>needs his own copy.
>I like to hear from Linux users how they did this, as I noticed that all 
>people that talked about it in the newsgroup, where all Windoze hackers. (I
>use: redhat 7.0 with sun jdk and orion 1.5.1)
>PLEASE some help, see below for more info ??
>Eddie :(
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Eddie
>To: Orion-Interest
>Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:20 AM
>Subject: Re: Classpath and library path ERROR ??? --> PLEASE again ???
>Indeed the library tag wasn't on the correct place in the
>However, after placing it in the correct place it still doesn't work:
>  <web-module id="web" path="web" />
>  <persistence path="persistence" />
>         <library path="./lib" />
>         <library path="./lib/log4j-core.jar" />
>         <library path="./lib/log4j.jar" />
>  <principals path="principals.xml" />
>         <log>
>   <file path="application.log" />
>  </log>
>  <namespace-access>
>I also tried the orion-web.xml:
>  deployment-version="1.5.1"
>  development="true"
>  jsp-cache-directory="./persistence"
>  temporary-directory="./temp"
>  servlet-webdir="/servlets/"
> >
>         <classpath path="./lib/log4j-core.jar" />
>  <ejb-ref-mapping name="ejb/UserManagerHome" />
>But didn't had much luck, which didn't suprise me, as I am using the lib
>files in my ejb's.
>I am sure that the jar files can be find by Orion, as it complaints when it
>can't find the files.
>But are you using Linux ?? I have a friend that has exatly the same 
>on his linux machine!! .--> :(
>Shoudn't I put it all in a ear file ?? and if so, where ??
>Hope you have some ideas as I don't have them anymore. Neither do I know 
>to debug this, as Orion doesn't show that it loads the jar file...or where
>it looks..
>Hmmm... frustrating..
>----- Original Message -----
>From: elephantwalker
>To: Orion-Interest
>Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 6:20 PM
>Subject: RE: Classpath and library path ERROR ??? --> PLEASE again ???
>The dtd for orion-application.xml says about library:
><!-- A relative/absolute path/URL to a directory or a .jar/.zip to add as a
>library-path for this server. Directories are scanned for jars/zips to
>include at startup. -->
><!ELEMENT library (#PCDATA)>
><!ATTLIST library path CDATA #IMPLIED
> >
>The main orion-application element is:
><!ELEMENT orion-application
>persistence?, library*, principals?, mail-session*, user-manager?, log?,
>data-sources?, namespace-access?)>
>Note the order. If library is not in the right order (after persistence and
>before principals), this won't work.
>But this is application, which is for the overall server. You might try the
>orion-web.xml for specific support of  a codebase of a war file:
><!-- Specifies a codebase where classes used by this application
>(servlets/beans, etc) can be found. -->
><!ELEMENT classpath (#PCDATA)>
><!ATTLIST classpath path CDATA #IMPLIED
> >
>This should be the first element in your orion-web-app element.
>the elephantwalker
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eddie
>Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 8:15 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: Re: Classpath and library path ERROR ??? --> PLEASE again ???
>I am have still having problems with the problem below. Can someone PLEASE
>help me with this ???
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Eddie
>To: Orion-Interest
>Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 1:08 PM
>Subject: Classpath and library path ERROR ???
>I want to include a jar file in my application, so I put it in
>and in the orion-application.jar I put (I first let Orion generate the
>orion-application.xml file):
>         <library path="./lib" />
>         <library path="./lib/log4j-core.jar" />
>         <library path="./lib/log4j.jar" />
>However My application can't find the jar files: "NoClassDefFoundError".
>Can someone please tell me how to solve this ???
>I notice that Orion is reading the tags, as it complains when the names of
>the directory or jar file is incorrect.
>BTW: my application needs his own jar file (so putting it in the orion lib
>dir is no alternative).
>I have been struggling with this problem in the past as well and didn't
>solve it.
>I now have Orion 1.5.1 with redHat 7.0 and still have the same problem.
>I searched the mailinglist and tried a lot of possible solutions, but had
>bad luck.
>I like to hear how people solved this running on Linux, without having 
>application in an EAR, as I noticed that the people that have it working 
>running Windowz or/and an EAR file.
>I am getting frustrated by this problem, so please come up with a 
>What I tried, among others:
>1- let orion deploy the application in the application directory (in the
>2 - put the lib files in the deployment dir.
>3 - including the jar files as absolute paths and other forms..
>4 - the persmission are correct of the files.

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