Title: SV: Classpath and library path ERROR ??? --> PLEASE again ???
I found it, I found it, I foundt it .. :)
I was busy making a correct ear file for Ray, such that he could have a look at it on his server and ..... certainly it worked....
I tracked down the problem which is the following:
I have a ... nl/unwired directory three with symbolic links to the projects/classes, like:
/home/development/lib/java/nl/unwired/util whereby util is a symbolic link to the development dir that contains the Util classes.
There also exists (sgs was the project I was having problems with):
which are symbolic links to the sgs development dir, the distribution dir, generated by ant that contains the classes. The distribution dir is used to make the final ear file.
The $ORION_HOME/config/application.xml dir contains the path /home/development/lib/java in a library tag, such that it can find all needed files.
Now what happens, if I remove this ...nl/unwired/sgs dir, it WORKS !!!(I don't know which subdir is exactly causing the problem).
Anyway, orion has trouble handling links to the dir that contains the same classes as in the sgs.ear deployed file. But what does this has to do with not been able to find the jar file ???
I can't really understand the problem, whereas I am sure this is the problem as I tested it very well.
Does anyone has an explanation for this ??? (should this be reported as a bug ??)
Thanks for all the advice and help ofcourse,
Ed :)

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