--- Maximilian Eberl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One fancy detail:
> I tried IDEA at home on a 200 Mhz Pentium with 64 MB
> RAM on Win 95 -> it
> works fine with smaller projects, even takes less
> time than JBuilder6 in the
> office.
> post scriptum:
> > You can't afford $400?!? where the hell are all
> you
> > cheap bastards working that you can't scrape up
> $400?
> > I think you all need to focus a little harder on
> > working and spending less time looking at porn;
> I really do not think that this is an appropriate
> discussion style for a
> mailing list of developers of whom - I suppose - the
> majority has an IQ of
> 90 points or even more.

sat·ire   Pronunciation Key  (str)

A literary work in which human vice or folly is
attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
The branch of literature constituting such works. See
Synonyms at caricature.
Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or
expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

This whole thread had already taken a turn into
evangelical lunicy, and I was mearly adding a
satirical response to the thread.

> And: there are countries where a developer's salary
> is about 2-300 USD and
> students have to live on USD 50 monthly.
> --
> Maximilian Eberl
> [ developer ] - netzdenker.de
> http://www.netzdenker.de
> Ludwigstrasse 2
> D-67346 Speyer / Germany
> tel: +49-6232-2602-02
> fax: +49-6232-2602-05

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