Hi Joe,

I usually build tools to build tools so I mostly can't "afford"
to accept other people's design philosophies. Thus the tools of
choice for me are the simplest because they have the least
conceptual overhead.  Put it like this, I am NOT interested in
making the most out of something like Idea, I AM interested
in doing three or four or tens times BETTER than Idea in
creating J2EE apps. Yes, I can use a tool like 'vi' to build the
better stuff, but I can't use Idea to do better than Idea if you
see what I mean. Like a dinosaur Idea has made its evolutionary
commitment, as have the other dinosaurs of similar ilke. It
sounds a lot better than JBuilder though for what it does ... it
simply doesn't sound better than my tools ... ;)


> Um, dude... you're using a commercial product. Why? Typically, because the
> value you get out of licensing it gives you a good return on your
> investment. I *could* use Tomcat instead of Orion... but Tomcat sucks.
> It's free, but it sucks. If it didn't suck, the return on the investment
> of time would be worthwhile. I use Orion. (Do the math.)
> Editors work the same way. I *could* use vi, or emacs (and I used to use
> vi and emacs), but I found that IDEA boosted my productivity (the
> "return") so much that I was able to justify the cost (the "investment")
> easily and well. And that's after wasting my time with JBuilder, Forte,
> Kawa, JEdit, Netbeans (which is better than Forte, despite Forte being
> based on Netbeans, joe, vi, emacs, and Eclipse (and I'm sure I'm leaving
> some out in this list).
> If you're going to wave the "It's not free" flag, run back to Tomcat and
> Apache where you belong.
>> JBuilder was a waste of time after using it
>> for years, and waking up to the fact that
>> I only used it to package classes anyway. I
>> bet people who are recommending idea are using
>> other people's money to buy idea licenses?
>> What about Simplicity?
>> regards ...
>>> From: "Eric Hodges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: RE: Java IDE?
>>> Date: 22/03/2002 14:33:50
>>> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Idea for coding, Jbuilder for GUI layout.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Clay Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:55 PM
>>>> To: Orion-Interest
>>>> Subject: Java IDE?
>>>> Just a question, any suggestions as to what a good IDE is?
>>>> I've tried JBuilder, IDEA (I like IDEA) and a few others...
>>>> any recommendations?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Clay
>> This message was sent through MyMail http://www.mymail.com.au

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