Hi Eric,

I understand your frustration and I also agree with what you've mentioned.

Forgive me if my question has been ask before. I'm new to the group. What do
you think will happen if OSCC is taken out from MAMPU and given out to
volunteers to manage?


محمد نازاري محمد حسن

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Eric Yeoh <msiantuxlo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As Kage would say, "define competent".
> We do have competent people over here at OSCC but they are forced to
> do slides and speeches for politicians so that they will look good and
> forced to sit through inane and mind numbing marathon meetings!
> Sadly it seems nobody in the entire MAMPU can write a little something
> or anything on FOSS or tech.
> The Government has tried to do something by setting up a centre. But
> you know what? Most if not all agencies want hand holding and cuddling
> before they will try. Spoon feeding is preferred.
> Can't they just pick it up? If they can find the most obscure music
> video on Youtube and mp3 ringtones and porn out there on the Net, are
> they trying to say that they cannot find info on how to manage the
> Centos server? Bullocks! Have they even tried printing out the free as
> in cost Centos/RHEL manuals that are available on the web?
> It goes back to the whole point of people complaining that they do not
> have support.
> If they cannot even pick up the fracking phone and call up a vendor
> and ask for help, then they are already beyond help. No point as they
> say trying to whip a dead horse!
> Fact is, I am ashamed to say, many (I must stress not all!)  in the
> civil service are just too lazy and not motivated to do anything of
> substance. I am too anak Malaysia, but the many whining and complaints
> from the civil service is just too hard to tahan.
> Eric
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:32 PM, red1 <r...@red1.org> wrote:
> >
> > This is where we feel the government should come up with such a center
> > run by FOSS competent ppl.
> >
> > Why the govt? Because no one else will do it. Not IBM, not MS, not USA,
> > not those mostly vendor driven interests. Only NGO, non-profit interest
> > matters here. No fast profit returns are expected for any govt funding.
> > Problem is i dont know of any such funding.
> >
> > i dah baca semua borang dari Technofund sehingga MOSTI grant, semua
> > minta business case. Tiada satu pun berikan lowering of licensing cost
> > for rakyat case.
> >
> > saifuladli ismail wrote:
> >> basically who will manage the center. I mean one stop center for OSS
> >> problem complaints. I don't have experiences in business, I can't
> >> advise!. Hope somebody in this group can give an opinion and advise to
> >> solve below problems.
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> >

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