Hi Joseph,

On 8/22/07, Sullivan, Joseph (CDR) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Robert's question about different users is the key.  The
> examples are absolutely fantastic and work great for some, not so great
> for others.  Tutorials seem to be a helpful bridge.  (The original goal
> of the NPS tutorial set was to get students w/out engineering background
> comfortable enough to dive into the examples.) Soo...
> What does it take to move the tutorials currently on the NPS web site
> over to the osg wiki site?

Well the OSG wiki is a... wiki so I guess it'd be a case of copying
over text and the tutorial code/data.

A couple of weeks back a member of the community ported the tutorials
across work with 2.0, so it'd be appropriate to work from these as a

> Is there anybody that can spare some resources to help the effort?

Well the hardware resources are there, is just a matter of time at the
rock face copying things across and refactoring them, so the resource
we need is will volunteers.  I did have an assistant over the summer
in the form of Martin Lavery, but alas he's now got his dream job of
working at the new Apple store in Glasgow, so I'm afraid I can't
direct any manpower at this myself.

An extra resource we could provide would be a svn repository for the
tutorials.  Getting the tutorials ported across to CMake would also be
a big gain.  My ideal would be a tutorial set that looks and build
much like the rest of the OSG, supports all platforms and can easily
be kept up to date with the latest OSG rev's.

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