
On Tuesday 04 March 2008 14:07, Robert Osfield wrote:
> Could you back out a little and explain what you think is going on
> right now, and what you think should be happening and why, I'm afraid
> my brain doesn't work well with just a diff output.
Well sorry, I thought you know your own CullVisitor by heart :)

Take a simpe scenegraph.

  |- Camera(name=Child)

The child camera has a inheritance mask of say COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_MODE.

When culling is done, the cull visitor's default inheritance mask is set to 
all. when the Parent Camera is entered, this does not change and all cull 
settings from the parent camera are copied into the cull visitor.
Then when the cull visitor enters the child camera, the same happens with the 
child cameras cull settings. Note that this is independent of the inheritance 
mask in the child camera.

But I would either expect that this mask in the child camera masks out the 
setting that are inherited from the parent camera or masks them in.

That is: I would expect that the cull visitor should leave those settings in 
the cull visitor untouched where the bits in the mask are set (= inherit them 
from the parent cameras settings) and should take this settings from the 
child camera where the bits are unset.

But the current implementation just uses all settings from the child camera 
because of the default setting ot the inheritance mask in the cull visitor 
that is never changed.

Ok, this shows that the change should then read (note the bitwise not):

Index: OpenSceneGraph/src/osgUtil/CullVisitor.cpp
--- OpenSceneGraph/src/osgUtil/CullVisitor.cpp  (revision 7906)
+++ OpenSceneGraph/src/osgUtil/CullVisitor.cpp  (working copy)
@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@
     CullSettings saved_cull_settings(*this);
     // activate all active cull settings from this Camera
-    inheritCullSettings(camera);
+    inheritCullSettings(camera, ~camera.getInheritanceMask());
     // set the cull mask.
     unsigned int savedTraversalMask = getTraversalMask();

Am I missing something?



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
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