Good morning,

On Tuesday 04 March 2008 16:13, Robert Osfield wrote:
> It a matter of expediency and history, reusing the CullSettings class
> in various roles rather than creating different classes that store the
> same parameters.  The history comes down to how the OSG has evolved
> with new capabilities being dovetailed into existing classes or
> collaborating with different classes whilest trying to minimize the
> amount of existing user code that might break as consequence of this
> evolution.  This does lead to some code not always being perfect from
> all perspectiveness.
> I will go ahead an merge the change, but since we have the old code in
> place still we can always revert amend as required.

Sure, I know ...
I do not think that the inheritance mask move will break much.

Anyway, looking at that amount of CullSettings we have in osg/osgViewer, I am 
somehow curious how it works.

osg has Cull settings that serve as base setting for a View, right?
These CullSettings just reside in the Master Camera of a view?
Or do the master settings reside in the SceneView that is contained in the 

Then on cull the SceneView copies the CullSettings into the CullVisitor.
The CullVisitor enters the topmost Camera and inherits the cull settings from 
that Camera according to the top Cameras mask.
The child Cameras use their own CullSettings according to their masks.

Looking at the current implementation it is unclear to me where the topmost 
CullSettings reside?
Also it is unclear to me why the topmost settings need an inheritance mask.
As well as the CullVisitors cull settings. It would be more clear to me if the 
cull settings are just copied from the master source to the cull visitor 
before traversal. Then as the cull visitor hits a camera - including the 
topmost one - the cull visitors settings are partly overwritten by the camera 
according to the cameras inheritance mask.

I believe that it is worth streamlining that a bit.
Using that code would be much more clear then - at least to me :)



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
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