> On Windows XP, we used to have the option to have multiple independent
> displays (say 2 displays of 1280x1024 - I guess that's TwinView on
> Linux?) or one combined display (2560x1024). The latter is called
> "horizontal span" (you can also do vertical span, 1280x2048 for example).
> Now, on Vista, that option no longer exists (apparently because of the
> new driver model that Microsoft imposed on the video card manufacturers,
> but that may just be the manufacturers making excuses). The horizontal
> span and vertical span modes don't exist in Vista, only the "multiple
> independent monitors".
[Roger James] 
You may want to try this. I have a Vista Box with an nVidia card it. If I
launch the nVidia control panel I can get to a pane that says "set up
multiple displays" and on this I can select "configured independently from
each other (Dualview)". If I select this then bring up the standard vista
"display settings" dialog I can drag the monitor representations around to
give either side by side or one on top the other orientation of the
monitors. Launching osgViewer without any parameters gives a display which
is spread over both monitors.  In fact this is my normal desktop setup. The
default OSG behaviour is usually quite annoying as models centre on the join
between monitors so I modify this by setting the OSG_SCREEN environment
variable to 0 in which case osgViewer only uses one of the monitors. So
whatever the default setting is causes the OpenGL rendering context to be
spread over both displays.

I have no idea what happens with more than two screens :-)


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