Hi Wojtek,

Thats the configuration I am after. I don't need one continuous desktop divided into 4 or more monitors. I am looking for the configuration which would allow me to drive four independnt views from one machine.

You can do that in both setups. If you have one continuous desktop, you would just use CompositeViewer and divide the whole GraphicsWindow into multiple views which would correspond to the boundary of each screen (in pixels).

As I understand it, if you have two cards, you don't have a choice, you need two OpenGL graphics contexts (or more). But you could have two monitors on each card, and then you would have two contexts, each with two views, mapping to one monitor each, and that would give you four views. Is that what you're after?

I had thought that kind of setup worked in OSG out of the box, but I've never tried it myself. You seem to say it doesn't work? Perhaps on the Windows side there's some work to be done.

I can't really help more, since as I said I've never tried that kind of setup.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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